Full Version: Sopranos returning! - Hey paisan whatsa matta you -- excited?
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tony's sister doing ralphie with one wasnt good enough for you?
He's just posturing. He's edgy. He's hardcore. To the extreme. A poster with attitude.

We need more of those.
He may be edgy, but his avatar is gay. :-p

Anyone else think it's kinda funny all the hullabaloo going on over the Parade in real life now??
i am not suprised that there is an uproar about it. but who the Hell really cares? they are going as personal friends of the mayor...what can anyone say to that?
Quote:He may be edgy, but his avatar is gay.

So says you.
He wants to poke me where I poop. He told me so.
Cause you're a mook.
Quote:Anyone else think it's kinda funny all the hullabaloo going on over the Parade in real life now??

i do. the guineas don't like themselves being protrayed as criminals but the one of the characters from the show they want in the parade is lorraine bracco. she plays a phsychiatrist. i usually think of shrinks as being upstanding members of the community. they must want themselves protrayed as gold chain wearing, iroc z driving, pizza makers.

Gloria's coming back next week? :bouncer:
that episode was boring
janice makes me want to vomit. fat, filthy skank!
Gloria's so hot.
yea she is
sucked in two ways: so hard, and so long

kid, stop being busy in vegas and tell me it gets better. dont say how, just assure me it does
fbd, I only had advance views of the first four episodes. these are as new to me as they are to you. the rest might suck ass, too?
If last season and the season before that were any indication.........then yes.
Come on there has to be some <table style=filter:glow(color=red)>BLOOD</table> soon? WTF is wrong with these writers?

Tony sitting in stable makes him look like a pussy. I don't want to see a kinder and gentler MOB BOSS!

Start whacking or I'm going to whack him.

Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide:
another......boring episode. Does anybody care that much about AJ? Just let carmella bang furio already. And how big a pussy did artie look getting his ass beat by that small punk ass french idiot. At least next week looks like there will be some definate action.
they definitely teased the Gloria bit.
You thought she would be back with gusto, but NO, they had to make it part of "emotional tony". (although she did look awfully hot when she was on......)
I didn't think this was a terrible episode, but again more of a setup than actual action.
If we can believe the preview, next week will start the action moving.
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