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The epsisode had to do with the cast of the sopranos not being able to march in last years Columbus day parade. It was there way of saying Fuck You too everyone who takes t.v and movies to seriously. And if you didnt notice but Christopher wrote the episode also.
Anyone notice the blatant plugs? McDonalds Fries, Entemanns Cake etc...whats with that??
another bad episode, too much with the psychologist and the bullshit furio/carmela pseudo romance. the only good parts were the tension between ralphie and johnny sack.

Edited By Keyser Soze on 1033963230
kim, the food stuff has been there since the begining. think of it this way...would you prefer to watch actual commercials?

and tonight sucked. just when people were about to be whacked, its called off
I think they are setting up to have a few people whacked at one time...they can't keep stringing us along like this, the ratings are gonna drop
didn't care for the episode
but there is definatley going to be alot of blood spilled soon
Well hopefully this will all tie in somewhere otherwise, the show is slipping from the 1st 2 episodes which were great. Cause if this is it, who fuckin cares, nothing changed.
i liked it.
Well like I said, hopefully it will all tie in. Unlike Oz, sopranos usually doesn't drop story lines during the course of the season, it all has meaning to it. Last season of oz was basically worthless, there were several story lines that served no purpose or just were dropped as if they never happenedd. I just hope this is not gonna start with the sopranos as well.

Notice how the are bringing back the whole rape thing, maybe the reason she didn't tell tony last season was they were saving it for now. Maybe tony will somehow find out, through meadow possibly.

I like how they are intertwining the kids, as far as meadow, melfi's son, and melfi's shrinks daughter. That is gonna be something to look out for.
I liked it. But that's not surprise. I've liked everyone so far this season. The funniest fucking thing was when AJ locked the kid in Furios garage.
Quote:Unlike Oz, sopranos usually doesn't drop story lines during the course of the season
What about the russian that got away last year? What ever happened to him?
Just thought i'd throw out the fact that Christopher (Michael Imperioli) wrote the Colombus Day episode.

I'm wondering if the fact that they hand off the writing duties to so many different people (last year Steve Buschemi wrote that great episode where Paulie and Chris get stranded in the Pine Barrens with the Russian) might be part of the reason storylines get dropped. Each writer has their own agenda and might be less inclined to tie in plotlines started in previous episodes.
Quote:Just thought i'd throw out the fact that Christopher (Michael Imperioli) wrote the Colombus Day episode.

Thanks i guess you didn't pay attention when i posted this...
Quote:And if you didnt notice but Christopher wrote the episode also.
Quote:(last year Steve Buschemi wrote that great episode where Paulie and Chris get stranded in the Pine Barrens with the Russian)
No, he just directed it. The story and script were written by their regular team of writers/directors. I still hope that the Russian guy reappears, but with Paulie in jail and friction developing between him and Tony, they need to wrap that up first. That episode seems to be just one of those unique stories they throw in that really have very little to do with the rest of the season, like in Season 1 when Tony and Meadow went to look at schools or that Christopher Columbus episode from this season. I think Melfi's rape will definitely come into play again. There's very little left to do with Tony in therapy. How many more breakthroughs can they possibly have? They need to mix it up a little bit and do something interesting with her character.
Quote:What about the russian that got away last year? What ever happened to him?

So, one thing, you got one little detail, poop on you.

Damn haters!!!!
What about AJ's anxiety attacks?
He got over them.
Sorry I missed that Pat.

But do you think my point that they change writers so often is a valid point as to why they don't resolve many plotlines?
Probably. Everybody has an idea they want worked in that it just gets too complicated and we're left with unresolved stories. We've got another season left, possibly two. Hopefully, they'll be able to wrap them up.
I just wanna see Chris's slut of a girlfriend fuck Meadow hard with a strap on. Or maybe the FBI chick Daniella.
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