Full Version: Sopranos returning! - Hey paisan whatsa matta you -- excited?
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I think it was an excellent 1st episode. Definetly better than last years so called intro. It set up a lot of story lines for the rest of the season. Yes, Meadow was in the episode breifly. From the promo for next week it looks like her part will be bigger. I'm happy with this episode.
Quote:From the promo for next week it looks like her part will be bigger.
Yeah, uh huh. :-D
The promo for next week looked better than last nites episode. I thought the highlight of the show was Christopher getting revenge (or did he?) for his father's killer. I think they could have built that scene up a bit more but all in all it was pretty cool to see that confrontation. Looks like Tony is molding Chris to take over, and even directly said so in the end of the show with Dr. Melfi. I think Meadow and Tony butting heads will be good, especially as Meadow calls him on what he really does for a living. I think it will be interesting to see Meadow rebel from the family and see what path that takes her.
Note: Biting your tongue hurts.
k1d, thats what the spoiler tag is for.
<!-- spoilerKillit --><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#000000" size="1">Spoiler (Highlight to Read):</font>
</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#ffffff" size="1"><!-- spoilerKillitEnd --><!--txtStart-->Meadow runs off to Europe with a friend. Ralphie leaves Rho for Janice. Janice bangs Ralphie in the ass, apparently with a dildo. Janice pushes Ralphie down a flight of stairs. Carmella has a crush on Furio. Sylvio is not happy about Christopher getting the love he's been getting. Paulie flakes out big time, trying to get in with the NY guys. <!--txtEnd--><!-- spoilerKillit --></td></tr></table><!-- spoilerKillitEnd -->

I would tell more, but after watching last night's episode, I can't for the life of me remember what I saw in episodes 2, 3, and 4.
I think next season is final season (5)...I think.

Next episode is supposed to be great. Last night wasn't bad...but then again, I missed the first 20 minutes. Just seemed to me it was a re-introduction episode to set the stage for the next couple.
Sometimes I fear you people can't see the forest with all of the trees getting in your way.
I liked it for the most part. They are setting up some very interesting storylines for the upcoming episodes. Bacala stole last nights. I dont think the undercover agent in the doctors office was the girl though. The doctor who was wandering around could be the agent. Carmela is hot for Furio.sp? And Tonys running out of places to hide cash.
Yeah they are doing a season 5, Oz last season is coming next year though.

They are billing Oz as the final season and making a big stink. So I imagine they would pump it hard if this was the final season of the sopranos.
I'm tired of Oz. After season 3 it was very repetitive. I'm glad they are ending it.
Looks like Silvio the most trusted character through all the seasons, finally is getting a tad bored. They are making it seem like he wants to be boss, I am a bit skeptical though, I would never pick Silvio as one to try and cross tony. I think it might be a diversion to someone else. Paulie I also think, while he may dislike tony he is too old school. I think it might be christopher, but he is the one who has this 'image' of what a gangster should be and wouldn't sell out tony. But then again it could be any of the three. With adrianna cornered, we all know how gullible she is, who knows?
i think silvio might be setting that guy up, not going for leading. he seemed happy as majordomo for the other seasons, i doubt he'd risk his neck for a position not even open yet. paulie might cross tony...he is a bit pissed tony isnt helping him much. chris wont do anything bad, but adriana might lead to an arrest. i can almost guarantee ralphie is dead by the end of the season. and i think meadow's morality class will be major throughout the season
adrianne puking all over the table and on the fed's face was priceless. the construction worker caught one Hell of a pipe, chris trying to work a threesome, meadow and tony butting heads, patsy going over tony's head via silvio, and more. i was very happy with this one. its building up nicely. like kid said, all these small items are a device to distract us from something larger at play.
You think meadow might contemplate suicide? Or tony's death?
no. to both
It'd be cool if she killed tony and then had lesbo sex with her friend misty, what a season finale.
yes...and brought in the fbi chick, too

and kid, if you spoil shit without the hide, i will go to the next board event and hit you with a baseball bat
so, who else got nauseous when janice was railing ralphie from behind with some foreign object (unless she has a C of her own)???? :crackhead:
Last nites episode sucked. It was a blatent ploy to try to respond to all the Italian American groups who are always bashing the Soprano's.

I can deal with them addressing it for awhile but the whole friggin episode??

At least the scenes from the next Soprano's looked good. It appeared that someones gonna try and go after Tony.
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