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Quote:Actually Tony accused ralphie of using the arsonist (he asked him about the arsonist ralphie used to torch the restaurant. still not a definite.

Ralph told Tony that he would get his cut of the insurance money (half of the $200,000 policy) and not to worry about some stupid animal. Then the violence began.
Quote:Ralph told Tony that he would get his cut of the insurance money (half of the $200,000 policy) and not to worry about some stupid animal. Then the violence began.

that is why it is probable - but it is still possible Ralph wasn't responsible, just showing what he thought of the animal. It was obvious that Ralph wasn't upset, and even was happy that the horse died - but that doesn't mean he did it.

Interesting that David Chase led everyone down a path with the son in hospital - just to have Ralph die as violently as he killed that hooker.
Quote:he did it.

We will never really know now, will we?

Quote:Interesting that David Chase led everyone down a path with the son in hospital - just to have Ralph die as violently as he killed that hooker.

That is why it was one of the better episodes so far this season. You saw the human side of the monster. Who then died the only way he should have, violently.

The fireworks should start soon.
This show needed some decent fireworks again.
Seeing Ralphie's bald severed head made the whole season worthwhile for me.

If we're lucky this will be the beginning of a bloodbath. But they better do it fast, there are only 4 more episodes left this season.
I'm calling 'jump the shark' on this episode. I think it's official.
paulie has shown in the past that he has leanings towards working for the new york family. i think him staring at himself replacing tony in the picture with the horse was foreshadowing paulie turning on tony and the family and becoming a soilder for the new yorkers.
Quote:I'm calling 'jump the shark' on this episode. I think it's official.
I don't think so. I think this was the last of the "setup" episodes.

They seem to be leading up to these last 3 episodes. Christopher "away", Paulie possibly turning to the NY family, the Feds turning up the screws, Tony's patience dwindling, Even the Carmela - Furio arc can lead to some nasty results.

I especially liked the moment that Paulie clocked christopher for speaking to his mother that way.
Adrianna is a tough broad....look at how quickly that shiner went away....she's a keeper ;-) :poke:
Jumped the shark?? Dude....they do this every few episodes EVERY season. They have some huge thing happen, then the next week, it's mellow and is a setup. Relax yosef! The last 3 episodes will be great. More death and dismemberment.
Ok.. I should have been more specific.... Tony banging the one legged Russian and the Carmella/Furio situation is just a little far fetched for me.... granted I think they are just trying to add to Tony's inner turmoil of #1 being actually rejected by a woman he has a fling with instead of breaking it off himself #2 Having his wife cheat on him #3 making us wonder if Furio's gonna knock him off.

It just seems a little too busy after starting the season slow as Hell.. it's like they are trying too hard, and going to the extreme of making the family fall apart. Adrianna with the feds, christopher being a junkie, Paulie and Syl both showing lapses in their loyalty, and Uncle Junior on the stand. That's a fuckin lot to go into the last three episodes with.... the rest is just overkill.

Edited By ClusterF@#$ on 1037644826
When it rains, it pours......
They're called cliffhangers ya dumb ass......they need something to base next season off of.....gah Damn. :disappointed:
ok mr sensitivity, since we're resorting to name calling.... you are a poopy head. I understand the concept of cliffhangers and that wasn't my point... apparently what you didn't understand is that Tony banging stumpy and Furio potentially banging Carmella is completely retarded.. just like you. :-D
They may be cliffhangers.....but I think alot of stuff is gonna happen in the next 3 episodes. You're gonna see NJ go to war with NY. You're gonna see a few traitors. You're gonna see more death and dismemberment.

Of course, these are all just assumptions on my part.
Quote:They may be cliffhangers.....but I think alot of stuff is gonna happen in the next 3 episodes. You're gonna see NJ go to war with NY. You're gonna see a few traitors. You're gonna see more death and dismemberment.
Of course, these are all just assumptions on my part.

I agree. I think most important things will be will be resolved this season, and a few new crisis will be revealed.

And CF,
are you going to tell me you weren't laughing your ass off when you found out Chris smothered that dog? :rofl:
Quote:that Tony banging stumpy and Furio potentially banging Carmella is completely retarded

Retarded, yet funny. Tony bangs limpy instead of his hot goomad LOL.

I chuckled when fido got a fatal taste of Christopher's man ass :fart:
I almost pissed myself when he did that. Too fuckin funny.
I don't know what was funnier.. that, Syl and Paulie beating the shit out of Chris, or the artist telling Pauly that Tony was too fat to be Napolean. I never said it wasn't still entertaining.. I love the show just as much as anybody.... just some things last night seemed a little overboard. That's all.

Honestly I can't wait to see what's gonna happen between jersey and NY over the Ralphie situation... I can't wait to see what's gonna happen with Adrianna and the Feds.... and I'm even curious to know how the Carm/ Furio thing is gonna pan out.
I'm thinking that Chris might spill the beans about Ralphie in rehab. Do you think he's gonna make it through rehab, or is the family gonna call on him for this NJ/NY war?
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