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[yomp666] Hi wanna chat?
[ellis_wyatt] so what's your name, or is it yomp?
[yomp666] pam
[ellis_wyatt] So, Pam, where are you from?
[yomp666] canada
[ellis_wyatt] Is that a state?
[ellis_wyatt] do you have electricity?
[yomp666] yes...i am on the comp..aren't i?
[ellis_wyatt] I was joking
[yomp666] lol...i don't live in hick ville
[ellis_wyatt] Why don;'t you blow me, asshole
[yomp666] what brought that on?
[ellis_wyatt] Oops, sorry that was from a different chat
[yomp666] k.
[yomp666] you scared me...i thought you were sensative or something..hahah lol
[ellis_wyatt] how old are you?
[yomp666] 20
[yomp666] i just got back from the wwf payperview
[ellis_wyatt] You must be a redneck hick?
[yomp666] yeah
[ellis_wyatt] I am tired and horny sorry
[yomp666] k
[ellis_wyatt] I got some gay guy trying to hit on me
[ellis_wyatt] that's where all the anger is coming from
[yomp666] r u a guy???
[ellis_wyatt] Yes, I'm a guy (but not THAT type of guy)
[yomp666] i thought so...just checking...
[ellis_wyatt] so back to your nipples
[ellis_wyatt] I have a cat you know
[yomp666] i have three cats
[ellis_wyatt] I only have one pussy
[yomp666] oh in that case i have 4 pussies
[yomp666] ( :
[yomp666] prrrrrrrr
[ellis_wyatt] I thought you said you had three cats?
[yomp666] i am a i have another pussy..ahhah
[ellis_wyatt] Oh, you're being disgusting
[yomp666] j/king
[ellis_wyatt] Are you trying cyber "hump" me
[yomp666] no
[ellis_wyatt] you need to go to church, you sinner
[ellis_wyatt] why not, don't you like me?
[ellis_wyatt] I'm cute
[ellis_wyatt] I've got a nice butt, and a cat too
[yomp666] i love nice asses..
[ellis_wyatt] I only like girls asses becuase boys have too much hair on them
[yomp666] i should go to church and confess my sins..but that would take too much time.
[yomp666] ( :
[ellis_wyatt] since you're the devil
[yomp666] no because i am a naughty girl
[ellis_wyatt] 666
[ellis_wyatt] I like to spank naughty girls
[yomp666] my friend picked my name..
[yomp666] and i like to be spanked.
[ellis_wyatt] Ohhh, that
[ellis_wyatt] that's interesting
[ellis_wyatt] did we cover what type of music you like?
[yomp666] nope just my nipples...hahha
[yomp666] i have a wide and wierd selection of tunes i like..
[ellis_wyatt] I broke my leg
[yomp666] that sucks....
[yomp666] how?
[ellis_wyatt] I broke it in a hockey game
[yomp666] oh that sucks...i sprained my i can't dance unless i am drunk...
[yomp666] feeling no pain
[ellis_wyatt] I just scored the winning goal in overtime in the beanpot and my teammates pig piled on me, and I tore a ligament in my knee
[ellis_wyatt] That's hockey by the way
[ellis_wyatt] Oh, I already told you it was hockey. Sorry I'm on pain killers
[ellis_wyatt] that's why I'm kinda o spacy
[yomp666] your story is more interesting than mine...i was in a drunken stupor and i tried over my cat and sprained my knee.
[ellis_wyatt] That's nice, can I fuck you in a bad place?
[yomp666] triped...
[yomp666] your fucked up man
[ellis_wyatt] your language confuses me
[yomp666] what u mean??
[ellis_wyatt] I really am. I don't know what I'm on. I probably shouldn't have taken Ecstacy too
[yomp666] i think that two stoned idiots would understand each other...but we are having a hell of a time...haha
[ellis_wyatt] I'm sorry that was very forward of me asking to do that to you. I didn't even ask if you enjoyed anal first.
[yomp666] i don't
[ellis_wyatt] well I wouldn't have just rammed it in, I would have eased it in all gentle and stuff. I'm a caring guy
[yomp666] what kinda drugs u into?
[ellis_wyatt] besides beer, and whatever this is, E, and weed mostly
[ellis_wyatt] shrooms too
[yomp666] i love acid..that is my fave....and weed...shrooms...hash..shit like that...and i love to, vodka, rum, actually most things...i am always ready to try new things..
[ellis_wyatt] It's 1:15, on a Sunday, do you think it's too late for me to make a booty call tonight?
[ellis_wyatt] I gotta get my nuts licked tonight
[yomp666] no.
[ellis_wyatt] where doy ou live in Canda?
[yomp666] it is never to late for that..
[yomp666] novaScotai
[ellis_wyatt] Shit, that' snorth of California
[yomp666] why you want my booty?
[ellis_wyatt] I wouldda paid for you to get a cab down here and I wouldda goo'd on your boobies
[ellis_wyatt] I'm trying to be clean and classy, you dig?
[yomp666] yeah..
[ellis_wyatt] I just don't wanna hang up and make a phone call
[yomp666] k
[ellis_wyatt] I'd beat off now, but I'm too lazy
[ellis_wyatt] what is your favorite vacation spot?
[yomp666] you need some one to do it for you...thats all..
[yomp666] i don't know...i usually go to New Bruinswick....
[yomp666] i got family there
[ellis_wyatt] and the last time you got laid?
[yomp666] fri nite
[ellis_wyatt] very interesting. I've been to New Brunswick. all over Canada really. PEI too
[yomp666] u?
[ellis_wyatt] It's been a while. I just broke my leg, so I've been out of commission for about a week
[yomp666] that sucks..
[ellis_wyatt] So I guess it was last Monday
[yomp666] i was so fucked up on fri nite..i didn;t feel my knee...
[ellis_wyatt] but I beat off A LOT
[ellis_wyatt] that's becuase he was having sex with you
[yomp666] yeah..i was feeling other things....he distracted me i guess..heheheh
[ellis_wyatt] do you have any brothers and sisters
[yomp666] a sis
[ellis_wyatt] older or younger? do you go to college?
[yomp666] older...not any more..
[yomp666] i am a nanny.
[ellis_wyatt] that's cool. Parents still together?
[yomp666] nope....
[ellis_wyatt] Do you swallow?
[yomp666] yes
[yomp666] me and my sis moved out
[ellis_wyatt] Interesting. very interesting
[ellis_wyatt] I like this give and take we have going on here
[yomp666] ( :
[ellis_wyatt] So you don't like it in the bad place. why not
[yomp666] i don't know
[ellis_wyatt] have you tried it?
[yomp666] no...
[ellis_wyatt] so then you might be convinced into it, I see.....
[b][ellis_wyatt] How tall are you?
[yomp666] 5foot4
[ellis_wyatt] and how much do you weigh?
[yomp666] 170
[ellis_wyatt] Wow!
[ellis_wyatt] See how much you are opening up here. Does anyone else know you this much
[yomp666] my best friend nows a shit load more...
[yomp666] i can tell him anything
[ellis_wyatt] does he know you swallow
[yomp666] yes..he knows more about my sex life than anyone....
[ellis_wyatt] Is that 170 in pounds, or is that like the metric system or something?
[yomp666] pounds
[ellis_wyatt] you are a fat fuck
[ellis_wyatt] not that there's anything wrong with that, tubby
[yomp666] you know that i could have a huge issue with my weight..and that could have pushed me over the edge and i could have killed myself or something....
[yomp666] but i don't..
[yomp666] i don't give a fuck...
[ellis_wyatt] apparantly you don't, or you wouldn't weigh half a metric ton
[yomp666] great
[ellis_wyatt] but that would be something if I was the one who caused it
[yomp666] you would have to be proud of yourself....
[ellis_wyatt] only if I could prove it
[ellis_wyatt] in your note, can you mention that it was me, by name. They can probably trace me from my Napster name
[yomp666] ok..i'll go do that right now...i have to rememeber..ellis_wyatt....and where are you from again....just in case
[ellis_wyatt] Boston
[ellis_wyatt] Good luck. And remember, cut with the grain of your vein. It's an easy rhyme to remember, even with all the cellulite swimming around your brain
[yomp666] which is your choice of death?
[yomp666] ()xxx]===========]
[yomp666] or
[yomp666] ()------{}''''''|''''''''|}-------]
[ellis_wyatt] knife is the cleanest
[ellis_wyatt] those are interesting drawings. You're pretty talented. I don't care what everyoen else in society says about lardos being useless.
[yomp666] you are pretty smart for a dumbass.
[yomp666] ô¿ô
[yomp666] . V
[ellis_wyatt] I'm smart for anyone. I'm smart becuase I'm not destroying my body with twinkies and big macs
[yomp666] neither am i asshole....harass someone brainless wonder
[ellis_wyatt] You messaged me first, clumpy
[yomp666] ok..i have to go now....i probably won't talk to you i will say goodbye now....
[ellis_wyatt] Oink!
[yomp666] goodbye....
[ellis_wyatt] can you email and let me know what a heart attack feels like, orca?

Edited By Galt on 1064962170
Galt Wrote:the grossest thing is that I bet you masturbated afterwards
why would I masturbate afterwards? once a night is my limit.
Once a day, WTF is up with that? No wonder the sisters never return your calls.
deadlaughter2: tell Patrick Bateman. DIG says hi
wccsradio: your all fucing retarted
deadlaughter2: tell him you're Charlie
wccsradio: hi peter
deadlaughter2: and you're enjoying his girlfriend right now
deadlaughter2: seriously
wccsradio: OK!!!! no
deadlaughter2: I'm trying to help you
wccsradio: mmmmm yes
wccsradio: like our music?
wccsradio: its suck right now
deadlaughter2: seriously his girlfriend fucked him over and if you talk about it on air he'll probably cry
wccsradio: good fun
wccsradio: but we have to go
wccsradio: so we can't
deadlaughter2: you are fucking useless
wccsradio: so sorry
wccsradio: yoru ruckinguseless
wccsradio: asshole
deadlaughter2: but seriously save that little nugget and shout it over the air....his ex-whore the squirter might here it
wccsradio: mmmmm no
deadlaughter2: pussy
wccsradio: fucker
wccsradio: go kill yourself
deadlaughter2: grow some ballies junior
wccsradio: clever
Mad Wrote:Once a day, WTF is up with that? No wonder the sisters never return your calls.
I don't even enjoy masturbation much anymore, a few years ago maybe 2-3 times a day but now it's kinda just out of habit.
DIG is king.
Their webcam seems to work here.
Ken'sPen Wrote:I don't have AIM,

so here is a convo between Slash and I.


that would be funny if you actually IM'd him.
Gooch will not be pleased with my 10,000 post.
SoupSoupAD (6:01:28 PM): any guesses on who IP is on your moms box?
SoupSoupAD (6:01:32 PM): i think its gonzo
arpikarhu (6:01:52 PM): i know who it is.
SoupSoupAD (6:02:10 PM): am i correct?
arpikarhu (6:02:31 PM): sleeper is begging me to tell him right niow as well
SoupSoupAD (6:02:54 PM): i think im right
arpikarhu (6:03:26 PM): arpikarhu (5:56:37 PM): wow, this is really bugging you, isnt it?
thekman11 (5:56:43 PM): more than you knoe
arpikarhu (5:56:51 PM): ok, i will tell you
thekman11 (5:56:57 PM): i bet
arpikarhu (5:57:16 PM): come closer
arpikarhu (5:57:24 PM): i have to whisper it
arpikarhu (5:57:29 PM): it's
arpikarhu (5:57:37 PM): it's
arpikarhu (5:57:49 PM): AAARRGGGHHH
arpikarhu (6:04:01 PM): sleeper is hating me right now
SoupSoupAD (6:04:11 PM): its gonzo
SoupSoupAD (6:04:12 PM): im sure of it
arpikarhu (6:04:25 PM): ok
SoupSoupAD (6:06:16 PM): i can cross reference their IP
arpikarhu (6:06:26 PM): dont cheat
SoupSoupAD (6:06:42 PM): im just checking my guess
arpikarhu (6:06:50 PM): cheater
SoupSoupAD (6:07:00 PM): like i care
arpikarhu (6:07:06 PM): then why do it?
SoupSoupAD (6:07:22 PM): i dont care about cheating
SoupSoupAD (6:07:27 PM): i do care to find out who it is
arpikarhu (6:07:56 PM): its more fun if you guess
SoupSoupAD (6:08:05 PM): for you maybe
arpikarhu (6:08:47 PM): well? did you ruin the fun yet?
SoupSoupAD (6:09:10 PM): i wont reveal it
SoupSoupAD (6:09:15 PM): i want the info for myself
arpikarhu (6:09:40 PM): i meant ruining it for yourself
arpikarhu (6:10:05 PM): are you just cross checking with gonzo or with everyone?
SoupSoupAD (6:10:13 PM): oh i dont care about ruining it for myself
SoupSoupAD (6:10:19 PM): first, just gonzo
arpikarhu (6:10:24 PM): in case you are wrong about gonzo i mean? LOL!
SoupSoupAD (6:10:32 PM): yes
arpikarhu (6:10:39 PM): i am telling IP that you are cheating
SoupSoupAD (6:10:58 PM): care?
arpikarhu (6:11:29 PM): let me know when you have done it so i can set up a gag with you
SoupSoupAD (6:11:49 PM): ok
arpikarhu (6:12:12 PM): as soon as someone else knows who it is i have a great joke to play
SoupSoupAD (6:16:01 PM): unable to find them
SoupSoupAD (6:16:03 PM): they're using AOL
SoupSoupAD (6:16:07 PM): dynamic IPs
arpikarhu (6:16:09 PM): LOL!!
arpikarhu signed off at 11:45:21 PM
Keyser Soze Wrote:Gooch will not be pleased with my 10,000 post.
nor probably the other 9,999
what's the point of Alkey's board. Why not just combine them?

Does Arpi post there? If so, I'm totally jumping ship
The Clear sTuFF (4:47:58 PM): would you like to hear the greatest porno title, eveR?
SoupSoupAD (4:48:06 PM): sure
The Clear sTuFF (4:48:07 PM): Gee Your Cunt Smells Terrific
SoupSoupAD (4:48:18 PM): ha
The Clear sTuFF (5:02:47 PM): i sent it to my boss
The Clear sTuFF (5:02:50 PM): as a rough draft
The Clear sTuFF (5:11:08 PM): the boss likes it!
SoupSoupAD (5:53:34 PM): nice!
I still like DIGs best
The Clear sTuFF (12:44:13 PM): the 50 cent shirt is wanted by all stores !!!
SoupSoupAD (12:44:18 PM): wooooooohoooooooooooo!
SoupSoupAD (12:44:27 PM): you're going to be a millionaire!
The Clear sTuFF (12:44:28 PM): 50 has to approve it on an actual printed shirt
The Clear sTuFF (12:44:36 PM): haha! i laugh at everyone from my grade
The Clear sTuFF (12:44:47 PM): i am not even in school yet, and i am already the most successful!
The Clear sTuFF (12:44:48 PM): FUCK THEM ALL
SoupSoupAD (12:45:14 PM): haaaaaaaaaa
SoupSoupAD (12:45:24 PM): so whats in this for you?
SoupSoupAD (12:45:30 PM): will your boss get all the glory?
The Clear sTuFF (12:45:42 PM): if by glory, you mean money
The Clear sTuFF (12:45:43 PM): then yeah
The Clear sTuFF (12:45:49 PM): but i dunno, everyone knows i designed it
SoupSoupAD (12:45:53 PM): he should promote you
The Clear sTuFF (12:46:14 PM): eh, id love to just be able to get my tshirt line started
SoupSoupAD (12:46:24 PM): there you go
SoupSoupAD (12:46:30 PM): tell him you want to start a line
SoupSoupAD (12:46:39 PM): you hooked his ass up with that t-shirt
The Clear sTuFF (12:46:43 PM): yeah i did
SoupSoupAD (12:46:46 PM): you showed him you got skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelz
The Clear sTuFF (12:46:49 PM): so ill give it some time
The Clear sTuFF (12:47:05 PM): im telling you though, if i get a chance to meet 50, itll all be worth it
SoupSoupAD (12:47:25 PM): maybe he will put you in his next video
The Clear sTuFF (12:47:44 PM): just wanna see the shirt in stores
The Clear sTuFF (12:47:48 PM): just want him to approve it
The Clear sTuFF (12:54:06 PM): its just a tad frustrating, in one order for this shirt, they are going to make more than 5 times what i make in a year, in just one order, from one store
SoupSoupAD (12:54:42 PM): if you could get approval from 50 directly, you could have done the whole thing yourself
SoupSoupAD (12:54:50 PM): you may need to go that route one day
The Clear sTuFF (12:55:03 PM): nope, no use in going over my bosses head, he would have me killed
SoupSoupAD (12:55:11 PM): no
SoupSoupAD (12:55:22 PM): i mean start your own indy company
The Clear sTuFF (12:55:35 PM): its not such a bad idea, its a great business, field to be in
SoupSoupAD (12:55:46 PM): i agree
SoupSoupAD (12:55:50 PM): hire me when you start it ;-)
The Clear sTuFF (12:56:30 PM): not if you keep winking at me
SoupSoupAD (12:56:43 PM): ha
SoupSoupAD (1:01:10 PM): oh i want one of those t-shirts
SoupSoupAD (1:01:15 PM): hook a nigga up
The Clear sTuFF (1:01:18 PM): i want one to
The Clear sTuFF (1:01:20 PM): i better get a box
SoupSoupAD (1:01:35 PM): yeah you betta
Session concluded at 3:03:45 PM
The Clear sTuFF (4:15:31 PM): do you have a serial # for officexp?
SoupSoupAD (4:15:39 PM): yes
SoupSoupAD (4:15:41 PM): hold on
The Clear sTuFF (4:15:59 PM): kthx!
SoupSoupAD (4:17:25 PM): FM9FY TMF7Q KCKCT V9T29 TBBBG
The Clear sTuFF (4:18:03 PM): nice
The Clear sTuFF (4:32:54 PM): you should add pyro to your shows
The Clear sTuFF (4:37:11 PM): yo, would you fuck andrea koppel?
SoupSoupAD (4:38:03 PM): who?
SoupSoupAD (4:38:14 PM): and i'd rather not get sued for manslaughter
The Clear sTuFF (4:41:27 PM): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... koppel.jpg</a><!-- m -->
SoupSoupAD (4:42:37 PM): no
SoupSoupAD (4:42:54 PM): is she ted koppel's daughter?
The Clear sTuFF (4:43:19 PM): yes
The Clear sTuFF (4:43:22 PM): i would ravage her
SoupSoupAD (4:44:38 PM): ewwww
The Clear sTuFF (4:45:59 PM): id fuck her just for the commentary after sex
SoupSoupAD (4:46:30 PM): that might be funny
The Clear sTuFF (4:46:51 PM): i know, thats why i said it, DUH
The Clear sTuFF (4:46:58 PM): ass tulip
there's a whole underground of AIM conversations that I'm not a part of.
Quote:there's a whole underground of AIM conversations that I'm not a part of.

There's a reason.
Galt and I had a pretty good AIM convo while I was at work. Too bad I don't have logging enabled there.
I've had the EXACT same conversations with wbk
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