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Is Alkey drunk?
It coulda been worse if he said "I am spider-man"

You had more control than me. I would have just done this >) a bunch of times and ran away
Doc Wrote:You had more control than me. I would have just done this >) a bunch of times and ran away
i did that when he came into chat one time
streetangelny: you liked that i take it?
Floydswat: oh yes!
Floydswat: very much
streetangelny: how much?
Floydswat: as in there's no blood in my upper body much.
Floydswat: hehe
streetangelny: nicey nice
Floydswat: i understand
Floydswat: i've got to leave in a bit for bar 9 anyway
streetangelny: so early?
Floydswat: i go to school down in trenton. so it takes me about an hour & a half to get there
streetangelny: wow you drive that far to go there? these parties are that good?
Floydswat: i actually live in bergen county, so it's not bad when i'm hom. i only go to the bar 9 gigs though from school.
streetangelny: i see
Floydswat: they're fun, i just hang out with Brother Joe, sometimes Ant.
Floydswat: every once in a while Norton & Vos show up. it's a fun night.
streetangelny: wow, sounds like a lot of fun
streetangelny: i may have to try and talk my roomie into going
Floydswat: you should!
streetangelny: i will when i get home
Floydswat: come without her even. it'll be worth it, trust me.
streetangelny: if not i will just write somemore stories
Floydswat: yeah, but that's not as fun as getting to take me home [;-)]
streetangelny: i don't have my car anymore [Sad]
streetangelny: oh really?
streetangelny: and tell me what if i did take you home?
Floydswat: then we can make our own story.
streetangelny: hmm
Floydswat: and forget writing it, we can just cut to turning it into a live action play
Floydswat: lol
streetangelny: what kind of story?
Floydswat: oh, something with a very happy ending
streetangelny: how much experience do you have?
Floydswat: actually very little.
streetangelny: omg really?
Floydswat: like i said. i'm shy. so unless a girl throws herself at me, i keep to myself.
Floydswat: yeah. that a turn off? lol
streetangelny: just the opposite actually
Floydswat: oh yeah?
streetangelny: another fantasy of mine if you will
streetangelny: how many girls have you had sex with? or may i not be so nosy?
Floydswat: 1
Floydswat: oh, you fantasize about corrupting me?
streetangelny: really?
Floydswat: yup
streetangelny: and what did you do with thiss one?
Floydswat: oh, nothing special.
Floydswat: a bit of this a bit of that. the traditional repetoire.
streetangelny: c'mon you can tell me
streetangelny: oral? intercourse? normal missinary or what?
Floydswat: oral, intercourse, a bit of missionary, a bit of her riding me.
streetangelny: what did you like best?
Floydswat: i enjoyed seeing her on top of me.
streetangelny: why's that?
Floydswat: it was sexy. it was nice to look up and see her arching her back and getting really into it.
streetangelny: do you like to do it with the lights on or off?
Floydswat: we had the lights on.
Floydswat: but if you prefer them off, i'm fine with that. lol
streetangelny: i say lights on and video it baby [Wink]
Floydswat: kinky. i'm game.
Floydswat: lol
streetangelny: how long has it benn since this happened?
Floydswat: that was a while ago. it was last june.
streetangelny: wow really?
Floydswat: yup
streetangelny: why no one since?
Floydswat: like i said. shyness mostly.
streetangelny: c'mon now and no girls have tried? what a shame
Floydswat: nope.
Floydswat: not a one
Floydswat: lol. now i sound pathetic
streetangelny: so i guess i have no competition? nice
Floydswat: nope. i'm all yours
streetangelny: you need to get more agressive boy, go for what you want!
Floydswat: hey, i offered to let you take me home tonight, that's a start!
Floydswat: lol
streetangelny: well if i do then after i have my way with you you will have to reciprocate
Floydswat: it would be my pleasure. i'm completely at your disposal.
streetangelny: only if i am at yours
Floydswat: i think we could find a bit of symbiosis
streetangelny: i'll see what i can do for tonight
Floydswat: does that mean i should wear something sexy? lol
streetangelny: ah and what is considered sexy to you my dear?
Floydswat: well, i'm usually a t-shirt & jeans kind of guy
Floydswat: but if it makes a difference, i'll throw on something a bit less simple
streetangelny: eh boring
Floydswat: yeah, but i pull the look off
Floydswat: lol
streetangelny: again with the modesty [:-P]
streetangelny: what about the underwear? or will there not be any?
Floydswat: i tell you what, i'll put on a soft button down shirt. and just bring a tshirt if it's hot inside.
Floydswat: boxers.
Floydswat: black calvin klein's
streetangelny: eh
Floydswat: nah, they're nice
Floydswat: easy access. hehe
streetangelny: are they the tight kind?
Floydswat: no.
Floydswat: a bit loose
streetangelny: we'll have to take you shopping
Floydswat: do i have to show you?
streetangelny: i think you should
Floydswat: deal
Floydswat: can you connect for images?
Floydswat: nm. i just emailed it
streetangelny: nah still on this crappy computer system
streetangelny: i work (well intern) at my school our computers suck
Floydswat: well, i'm going to head in.
streetangelny: ok have fun if i can't make it
Floydswat: hopefully you can get the real view tonight [:-D]
streetangelny: nicey nice
Floydswat: see you soon (hopefully) otherwise have fun writing.
streetangelny: ok baby
why do you pretend to be girls? Doesn't it make you feel icky?
That wasn't me silly pants
They don't feel guilty about twisting their own nipples if they pretend like that
that was so incredible.
Does it make me a voyeur if I can't get enough of this shit? Screw realitity TV, this is fucking classic material
gonzo wins.

my favorite line of that is

Quote:Floydswat: a bit of this a bit of that. the traditional repetoire.
isnt that how sex with a 15 year old is always refered to?
He showed her his repetoire.
yeah but could she feel it?
"traditional repetoire" ??? who is he having sex with, Grace Kelly?
wow that wins best post ever ever ever ever ever
thekman11 (12:49:50 AM): you are mean
thekman11 (12:49:55 AM): i want to be friends
thekman11 (12:50:01 AM): >)
OA Upuauat (12:50:04 AM): I am not the one hung up on >) you are the ones using it
thekman11 (12:50:12 AM): hahah you used it as soon as you came in
thekman11 (12:50:20 AM): OMG ITS MY TRADMARK SMILEY
Jemo123 (12:50:25 AM): he's trying to be mean so we think he's actually upauaut
OA Upuauat (12:50:28 AM): you keep on reusing it and think it is funny
Jemo123 (12:50:33 AM): i think its hilarious
thekman11 (12:50:36 AM): me too
OA Upuauat (12:50:57 AM): atleast it was original on my part, lame or not. You are just rehashing my stuff.
Jemo123 (12:50:59 AM): but maybe thats because we're lamerz!
OA Upuauat (12:51:08 AM): try being original, I know it may be hard.
thekman11 (12:51:12 AM): upuauat, can we be bestest buddies?
OA Upuauat (12:51:16 AM): no
thekman11 (12:51:19 AM): why not :-(
OA Upuauat (12:51:29 AM): I don't know you
OA Upuauat (12:51:32 AM): nor do I care to
thekman11 (12:51:37 AM): we can get to know each other
OA Upuauat (12:51:51 AM): No we can't.
thekman11 (12:51:55 AM): i got nothing but love for ya
OA Upuauat (12:51:58 AM): you and jemo can team up
OA Upuauat (12:52:05 AM): maybe come up with an original thought
OA Upuauat (12:52:17 AM): rub your heads together and see what you two can squeeze out
thekman11 (12:52:18 AM): that can happen later, right now we should get to know each other
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