Full Version: post funny AIM conversations
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SoupSoupAD (11:03:26 PM): wanna laugh?
The Clear sTuFF (11:03:35 PM): i do
SoupSoupAD (11:03:40 PM): Uhad2much2fast (10:54:37 PM): can I trust you
SoupSoupAD (10:54:56 PM): of course
Uhad2much2fast (10:55:11 PM): you can visit me if you tell NO ONE
SoupSoupAD (10:55:20 PM): ok
Uhad2much2fast (10:55:36 PM): will you really come in the bext hakf hour
SoupSoupAD (11:03:49 PM): SoupSoupAD (10:55:43 PM): sure
Uhad2much2fast (10:55:55 PM): how can I beliveve you
SoupSoupAD (10:56:13 PM): can i fuck and leave, its just a booty call
SoupSoupAD (10:56:14 PM): ?
Uhad2much2fast (10:56:21 PM): that's all I wnt
SoupSoupAD (11:03:56 PM): haaaaaaaaaaaa
The Clear sTuFF (11:04:12 PM): im posting this
oh how close i was...
good times.
Tigerdon74: can i masturbate on your face?
Hawt Baux: wha?
Tigerdon74: you know, your face
Hawt Baux: go away

Edited By NJ9 on 1065070655
The Sleeper Wrote:thekman11 (12:49:50 AM): you are mean
thekman11 (12:49:55 AM): i want to be friends
thekman11 (12:50:01 AM): >)
OA Upuauat (12:50:04 AM): I am not the one hung up on >) you are the ones using it
thekman11 (12:50:12 AM): hahah you used it as soon as you came in
thekman11 (12:50:20 AM): OMG ITS MY TRADMARK SMILEY
Jemo123 (12:50:25 AM): he's trying to be mean so we think he's actually upauaut
OA Upuauat (12:50:28 AM): you keep on reusing it and think it is funny
Jemo123 (12:50:33 AM): i think its hilarious
thekman11 (12:50:36 AM): me too
OA Upuauat (12:50:57 AM): atleast it was original on my part, lame or not. You are just rehashing my stuff.
Jemo123 (12:50:59 AM): but maybe thats because we're lamerz!
OA Upuauat (12:51:08 AM): try being original, I know it may be hard.
thekman11 (12:51:12 AM): upuauat, can we be bestest buddies?
OA Upuauat (12:51:16 AM): no
thekman11 (12:51:19 AM): why not :-(
OA Upuauat (12:51:29 AM): I don't know you
OA Upuauat (12:51:32 AM): nor do I care to
thekman11 (12:51:37 AM): we can get to know each other
OA Upuauat (12:51:51 AM): No we can't.
thekman11 (12:51:55 AM): i got nothing but love for ya
OA Upuauat (12:51:58 AM): you and jemo can team up
OA Upuauat (12:52:05 AM): maybe come up with an original thought
OA Upuauat (12:52:17 AM): rub your heads together and see what you two can squeeze out
thekman11 (12:52:18 AM): that can happen later, right now we should get to know each other
That wasn't an IM, it was from chat and that was me.
it's AIM chat same thing, were mean Sad
DRAG0NKill (1:12:34 AM): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _Bikr.html</a><!-- m -->
thekman11 (1:12:52 AM): you still read this site?
DRAG0NKill (1:13:04 AM): eh i check it every few days
DRAG0NKill (1:12:27 AM): [URL=[/URL]

2. Let me give you the soundest advice you will ever hear. Girls are not impressed by your internet friends. In fact, it sounds pathetic to say that your claim to fame is knowing a webmaster. Name dropping is bad enough, but when you're dropping screen-names, you've hit rock bottom.
ZippyAidsFace (1:12:56 AM): HAHAHAHAHAHA
ZippyAidsFace (1:12:58 AM): jajajajajaja
DRAG0NKill (1:13:01 AM): jajjajajaaj
ZippyAidsFace (1:13:26 AM): wait...
ZippyAidsFace (1:13:30 AM): you visit OTL?
DRAG0NKill (1:13:36 AM): shutup
DRAG0NKill (1:13:57 AM): i check it now and then i just went now to see if he had those britney pics that were in the daily news or post or whatever
ZippyAidsFace (1:13:58 AM): jajajajaj @ U
The Sleeper Wrote:it's AIM chat same thing, were mean Sad
But I was Upuauat >)
Quote:i just went now to see if he had those britney pics that were in the daily news or post or whatever
ZippyAidsFace (1:43:47 AM): can i masturbate on your face?
Hawt Baux (1:44:09 AM): wha?
ZippyAidsFace (1:44:13 AM): you know, your face
Hawt Baux (1:44:17 AM): go away
ZippyAidsFace (1:44:20 AM): kthxbye
apparently, she doesn't know
I'm so original.
IrishAlkey [6:12 PM]: jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
IrishAlkey [6:12 PM]: jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
CDIHJack [6:12 PM]: faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag
CDIHJack [6:13 PM]: jk
IrishAlkey [6:13 PM]: no im actually gay
IrishAlkey [6:13 PM]: shhh dont tell
CDIHJack [6:13 PM]: yeah me too
IrishAlkey [6:13 PM]: our little secret *wink*
IrishAlkey [6:13 PM]: i knew you were
CDIHJack [6:13 PM]: So did eye
CDIHJack [6:13 PM]: I knew I was when I asked for a Barbara Streisand cd
CDIHJack [6:14 PM]: for christmas
IrishAlkey [6:14 PM]: ...
CDIHJack [6:14 PM]: hahahah
IrishAlkey [6:14 PM]: would you possibly be able to put up a whatchamacallit on my site
IrishAlkey [6:14 PM]: a banner add
IrishAlkey [6:14 PM]: i can email you the link and what the banner looks like
CDIHJack [6:15 PM]: this aint jack- hes at work
IrishAlkey [6:15 PM]: damn you Paxil Poppin Chub Chub!!!!
CDIHJack [6:15 PM]: e-mail him
CDIHJack [6:15 PM]: its not Paxil Poppin Chub Chub either
CDIHJack [6:15 PM]: its clorox
IrishAlkey [6:15 PM]: its someone who knows im a fag
CDIHJack [6:15 PM]: someone you dont know
CDIHJack [6:15 PM]: Paxil Poppin Chub Chub told me to say that
IrishAlkey [6:15 PM]: IrishAlkey [6:15 PM]: damn you Paxil Poppin Chub Chub!!!!
IrishAlkey [6:15 PM]: whats the boys email
CDIHJack [6:16 PM]: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]</a><!-- e -->
IrishAlkey [6:16 PM]: that says Paxil Poppin Chub Chub in it
CDIHJack [6:16 PM]: yep
IrishAlkey [6:17 PM]: why wiuld jacks email say Paxil Poppin Chub Chub in it!
IrishAlkey [6:17 PM]: i aint stupid!
IrishAlkey [6:17 PM]: would*
CDIHJack [6:17 PM]: because "Paxil Poppin Chub Chub" is his brother and are both their names
CDIHJack [6:17 PM]: so piss off
IrishAlkey [6:18 PM]: you are incredibly rude sir
CDIHJack [6:18 PM]: go cry to your mom and leave mw alone, this aint wayne, talk to him later.
IrishAlkey [6:18 PM]: this is why youll never have real friends
IrishAlkey [6:18 PM]: so mean
CDIHJack [6:19 PM]: I have many friends, you are the one on the computer, I am downloading music to burn
IrishAlkey [6:19 PM]: oh im sorry i mustve called your phone
IrishAlkey [6:19 PM]: are you the person responsible for feeding Paxil Poppin Chub Chub his pills?
CDIHJack [6:20 PM]: yo we are cool if you quit talking to me, I am busy
CDIHJack [6:20 PM]: talk to ya later
I thought it was just Jack and Paxil Poppin Chub Chub - who is this third-party?

And Jack, how many people use your AIM name????
seriously, and i created a whole controversy by posting at someone else's house :23:
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