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always bet on black
They never looked good to me but i will vote for the black side just bc chocolate cookies are always better.
I wish you could all enjoy this amazing cookie with me, its sooooo good.

I always break it apart the middle and eat the white part first which is eh but it's a precursor to the little piece of heaven thats the black side.

Plus this cookie was one of the uneven ones with more black than white, BONUS!!!!
i always would always eat the chocolate side & save the best part for last
You and I are now deadly enemies!
but i can't think of anyone i'd rather play nintendo with!
Once you go black...
you throw out the other side of the cookie.
So what is the appeal of this cookie?

Is it essentially a giant chips ahoy with each side in vanilla & chocolate or what?

My feeble mind craves answers!
Imagine a chips ahoy, now imagine it to the 1,000th degree of goodness... that's just the begining.
I like oreos better though.
It's soft, almost cake-like, and the icing you can peel off. I really want one now
Tomorrow ill buy one for lunch now.

Peer pressurers!
Oh man, heroin is so awesome too get some of that to go with the cookie.
dick is awesome too, you should swing by brooklyn and get some.
Hawt Baux Wrote:Tomorrow ill buy one for lunch now.

Peer pressurers!
don't puke!
I will try my best not to up the chuck though combined with Psych i cannot make any promises.
you should fold the cookie in half so you can get a bite of black and a bite of white in every mouthful!
I haven't had one in years. I used to dip mine in coffee.

Voted black, but I would alternate between bites of each color!
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