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you are adorable
Galt Wrote:you should fold the cookie in half so you can get a bite of black and a bite of white in every mouthful!
Like equal opportunity in your mouth

Yeah, yeah insert the jokes
how will they fit? you know they don't like to touch each other.
mmmmmm mullatos

Edited By Hawt Baux on 1098163211
damn your souls now i must go to my bakery to get one tomorrow, bastards.
i've never had one either. so i shall refrain from voting
The white part sucks, everyone who voted against the black is a heathen!!
I've never seen a cookie like this in my life.

[Image: Michelle_and_her_black_and_white_cookie.sized.jpg] (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)}" onclick="javascript:if(this.width > (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)} else {this.width = (this.width*2)}" border="0" alt='Posted image: Click to resize'>
you must have been raised by wolves
I think he meant girls, there is no way you could have never seen a black and white cookie before.

Trish is the exception because where she's from they call cookies biscuits, and black and white biscuits just sounds weird.
there was even a Seinfeld episode about them!!! Do you not watch Seinfeld?
dogs eat biscuits, people eat cookies
The misconception I seem to be seeing is that people don't understand that this is not some petty pathetic cookie you can get in a bodega or the grocery like chips ahoy and oreos. Granted i've seen them selling the black and white cookie pre-packaged lately in stores but these are usually sold at the bakery which is where I reccomend getting the cookie, the pre-packaged ones aren't as good.

and no, I hated seinfeld, I gave it a shot but I just couldn't find anything funny about it.
in order to have a full black and white cookie experience, you need to go to an authentic italian bakery. i suggest you leave the gun, and take the cannoli as well.
well that would be best but any decent bakery would do, hopefully its not like the bakery around my way with spics in the back making everything. 1 chocolate chip in every cookie, one!!! I swear they put adobo in everything and the cookies are never round, its always some octagon type shape.
jewish bakeries are decent as well. i believe theres a friedmans in brooklyn that is very good.
The best bakery in brooklyn is on bay parkway it's called romano's.

Though I havent been there in a year or so, I heard the place got sold to russkies and its not as good no more but it used to be run by guineas and they made the best fuckin pastries and baked goods ever!!!
magnolia bakery in the west village has perhaps the most orgasmic baked goods this side of heaven. you have not lived a full life until your lips have carressed their sweet buttercup cupcake frosting.
I reitterate.
I've never seen that cookie before and I have a hard time understanding the excitement surrounding it.
I may live in a town that is just getting last years fashion trends on the shelf but if that cookie was really that good, I would've heard of it by now.

Now excuse me, paw and I need to go on a moonshine run and check the beaver traps.
This cookies been around for ages, its nothing new.
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