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Quote:you cant let this one bad experience ruin it for you. The first time always sucks, it gets better when you do it more.

:insert pot/kettle .GIF here:

Yeah, cause she had a near death experience with her cookie.
oh please, you were nowhere close to being dead - Danked gave you a sip of water for cryin' out loud!
then he took the water back cause he figured why waste it on a dead man.
i think you're exagerating a little
No, I honestly thought I was gonna die and he really did take the water back.

He didnt like grab it outta my hand, he gave me that look like "you gonna gimme back my water you fuck?"
i always liked the little ones better. the big cookie was always too much for me to handle.
Can't handle the big ones, eh? Like the little ones, just enough to fit.

I like you!
i was talking about the cookie. i've never been a big eater.
sure, the "cookie", I got ya.
Next time im in NY i'll buy one, til then they suck and that's that.
You need to try it again, you were just upset that the first time sucked so bad. You probably ate it too fast and it ended too quickly for you, you need to take your time and make it last and enjoy the pleasures of the act.
I don't think i want to eat these cookies ever again now.
Buy them from a real Italian Bakery next time, missy.
I did, a bakery my Mom used to work at when she was like 16 no less!!

They let you down, you need to let someone else try to give you the experience now, you need to try it with different people and see how it is with others and then see what you like and don't and go on from there.
i bet her father gave her cookies when she was young and it ruined it for her ever since.
You all overhyped it.
she must have repressed the memories. that happens you know.
you havent had the proper cookie.

trust me, plenty of people have had similar experiences with lesser cookies and until they had the real thing, cannot attest to its awesomeness.
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