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seriously, what planet do these people who never have seen a black and white cookie reside on?
you ever see one of those things things with like a cake like chocolate thing with fudge on top and nuts.. brownie I think they call it.
i hear some people put frozen milk on it and drizzle it with melted cocoa beans.
I was trying to think of soemthing we have up here that you might not have heard of.

All I can think of is cheese kurd but you've probably heard of that...
Or Croghan Balonga.
send a salami to your boy in the army!!
i'd never seen one before i moved to new york. it's definitely a regional thing.
Have you ever been hit with a tube of Croghan Bolonga?
It's like getting hit with a hose full of sand.
You found something we don't have...

Hoses full of sand.
i've seen some people on street corners selling dough tied in a knot & covered in salt. wacky new yorkers.
Keyser Soze Wrote:in order to have a full black and white cookie experience, you need to go to an authentic italian bakery. i suggest you leave the gun, and take the cannoli as well.
done i got 2 of them.
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Is it just black & white frosting or is the cookie itself half & half?
what you don't have any dago bakeries where you live?
Just a local donut shop.
We do have a Dunkin' Donuts about 40 minutes away.
so you are basically a hick, i guess thats good i can now disregard all your comments from now on.
Hoon, you could always try the WalMart Bakery.
what's WalMart? Is that like Duane Reade for hicks?
walmart is like kmart without the k.
I hope Galt was joking.
Galt killed his grandma, he never jokes.

Someone with his job could not possibly be unaware of WalMart.
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