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drusilla Wrote:she must have repressed the memories. that happens you know.
wanna talk about it?
only if you promise to start screaming non stop ala homer simpson
It stinks! It stinks! It stinks!
I think keyser is tryin to say his cookie is better than mine!!!
this thread just reminded me i have a milkyway dark. i was gonna save it for tomorrow but now i'm just gonna eat it and buy another one.
Keysers bein a cookieblocker.
you should kick his ass for that
The Jays Wrote:Who the fuck lives somewhere where Dunkin Donuts is 40 minutes away? Where do you live, Nova Scotia? THEYRE FUCKING EVERYWHERE!!!
I live in Northern New York.
No, not fucking Albany, the real Northern New York.
2 Hours north of Syracuse - 20 minutes away from Canada.

Our local saloon has dirt floors and swinging entry doors.
We have big buck contests during hunting season and the fairgrounds are packed for the demolition derby.
So you're more Canadian, then American. You commie fucktard.
See, we "New Yorkers" aren't considered New Yorkers by the city folk.
But they feel free to make us pay some of the highest taxes in the county to support the city which is almost 8 hours away and does nothing for us.

New York City should be annexed as it's own district as far as I'm concerned.
It would ease the tax burden on us.
How is that? NYC sends more tax money to Albany and DC then is returned.

You're right though, NYC should be annexed and those selfish fucks in Albany would have to come up with some other way to fund their massive welfare state.
See, again you've mistaken me with Albany.
I'm 3 hrs or more North of them.
It's a fact that everyone calls Massachusettes, "Taxechusettes"..
But New Yorkers on average pay a higher rate than them.

We have nothing up here.
No job investments, nothing.
You think those face pumps in the city generate enough income to spend what they spend?
North of Albany it's like living in the cornfields and cowpasteurs of Nebraska but paying the big city taxes... with nothing to show for it.

Quote:"Solving Upstate's high tax problem requires two key things: downsizing local governments; and cutting, rather than just shifting, the cost of Medicaid," the report concluded. "Neither step will be easy. But both are essential."

What a fucking mess. Why don't they do a "Logan's Run" type of program to reduce costs?
You're right there.
I have a hard time thinking 6 billion a year go to welfare recipt's but for sure it is a sizable chunk.

We've got fucking towns primarily inhabited by welfare.
It seems to be the family buisiness up here.
I know one piece of shit collecting SSI because he can't smell, so he can't work.
It's lowlifes like this that are killing social security.
i'm amazed you have the internet up there. i figure you would be making phone calls with 2 cans & a rope.
hoon don't tell me you live in a town full of PWT?
Poor White Trash is the overwhelming race up here.
Idiots who rent houses, destroy them, move all of their belongings in the middle of winter in the back of a pick up you're amazed still runs, into the next landlord or victims apartment.
god, i love the fucking things. Second one this week.
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