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Quote:kind at heart
alwayz trys to be positive
a mother who knows how to mother
someone who would make a great friend
Thanks GW -- I would agree with all except the mother part. Sometimes I think I'm really not cut out for it.

Now you...
(DGW) True guy's guy, but longs for the perfect soulmate. Likes to hang out and be silly. Can spend hours in Home Depot or watching sports, but would trade it in a heartbeat for that one special lady. Won't settle for just anyone. Family man at heart, but doesn't necessarily show it or maybe even realize it. Work is work -- not a career (I think someone said this already), but it's a safe place and doesn't involve change. Good guy, very trustable, dependable, honest.
:loveya: awh, now aint that nice

see i'm not that bad of a guy

I really liked Magus's interpretation of me. Flattering, I hope its accurate!

Heres one for Mags....

Magus is a passionate person who wears his heart like a badge of honor, which sometimes puts him in the position of ridicule. He puts alot of weight into the amount of time he spend conversing with people in forums such as these. He is intensely social in the digital realm but not as comfortable in the 'real world'. He prefers the comfort of his familiar surroundings to those which he cannot control. He prefers structure and is quite loyal but sometimes cannot see the forest through the trees.
can he smell his own shit on his knees?
Let's do Alkey::

He's an odd mix of insecurity & confidence. He'll pick on himself before someone else. He's also Huge Hefner. Always ready with a smile & for a party. Puts people at ease, makes them feel special. Hard working.

I'm a little off today, that's all I have. :lol:
I'm so mysterious. Nobody can peg me down.
Danked is the guy that sits at the back of the class & doodles or writes lyrics. Not because he is plotting anything, he just likes to be in the world in his head. He can get along with anyone, but likes the people he calls friends better. Might make a good HS teacher or guidance counselor (Summers off). Not traditionally athletic, maybe ski or snowboard, skateboards. But likes to be outside. Could sit & ponder the changing leaves all day.
(insert edit button here)
More Danked ... slow to anger, but you don't want to be on his bad side. I see him forgiving easy, but not forgetting. You'll be on probation for quite awhile. Sex... not a hump & run.
VG.......likes to fool around but is definatley looking for that serious relationship. would like prince charming to sweep her off her feet but doesn't think that man exists. relies on herself and not others when thingz need to get done. likes organization. doesn't deal with with the petty bullshit many woman her age go through. a person you would want as friend.
thanks :-D
Am I that obvious? She knows too much.

I'm gonna go write a song about stabbing Ladi in the neck.
You mean there's more to Danked than just smoking pot???
Quote:He's an odd mix of insecurity & confidence. He'll pick on himself before someone else. He's also Huge Hefner. Always ready with a smile & for a party. Puts people at ease, makes them feel special. Hard working.

You forgot "fucks like a champ," but you're still close. :thumbs-up:
Quote:You forgot "fucks like a champ," but you're still close.

Personal experiences tell me it's "fucks like a chump". Yeah I were sick that day. Uh huh.
Quote:You mean there's more to Danked than just smoking pot???
Surprised me too.
Alkey - Can be a vicious bastard when pushed to the limit, but to get him to that limit is very hard. Basically he will stand up for others before himself because he doesn't take anything personally, he will shrug it off to avoid confrontation. He doesn't appreciate people he cares about being ridiculed though. He will basically make fun of himself not to make you laugh but to take the gun out of your hand and pull the trigger himself, so you have nothing to say. Also to prove how stupid people are in their choice of humor. He's a hard worker who also takes his time, and has patience and is willing to do anything he can to achieve his goals. He is very modest and has a small self estime issue but nothing major. He'll give you the shirt off his back if you are his friend, though at times he has a hard time showing you that he would. He doesn't like dumping his problems on others and would rather be left alone to deal with them, cause he fears being dependant on someone.
I'll have to sew three shirts together, Gonzy, but they're all yours. :loveya:
I don't wear abercromie and fitch but thanks anyway, my nigga.
Want my boxers?! :bouncer:
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