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BAH! Over two years for some of you bastards and you STILL don't have an opinion of me??

Nice to know I made an impression.

Here's a BRIEF comment on..
Strongly believes in his own moral and ethical compass, and defends the decisions and judgements he makes based on said compass with a passion. This can make him seem to come across as pig-headed, opinionated, and somewhat antagonistic, but in truth this is just a reflection of his passionate beliefs. Even so, he isn't close-minded, and while he may personally think you're wrong, he's capable of understanding and respecting the fact that you THINK you're right.

Is nothing less than a pedestal. Think about it. Where are trophies placed? Where do stars stand? Amy doesn't strive for the spotlight because she doesn't think she deserves it, but instead lifts others up. Because of this she is often on the fringe of the spotlight, often drawn in by those she supports.

Bah.. I suck at Teh Psychoanalysisisisisssis
Magus is the walking, talking stereo type of a D&D player who grew up and wanted more out of life. The first girl who admits to loving him will have him wrapped around her finger for all eternity.

I see Magus as the wise-ass IT guy who gets revenge on the people who wronged him in highschool by fucking with their computers.
i love magus's car
Quote:Magus is the walking, talking stereo type of a D&D player who grew up and wanted more out of life. The first girl who admits to loving him will have him wrapped around her finger for all eternity.
Probably right on that one

Quote:I see Magus as the wise-ass IT guy who gets revenge on the people who wronged him in highschool by fucking with their computers.
Believe it or not..... this is not me. By the time I finished High School I was everybody's friend, I was the Clique-breaker. Mainly because they got sick of me not getting pissed when they made fun of me and gave up.
So no... I have no reason to fuck with their computers.... i have other plans entirely mwu-hu-ha-ha-ha!!!
Quote:fbdlingfrg is Corey Haim from the Lucas years.

Soon, he will be the studly Corey Haim from the "Blown Away" years, and eventually tailspin into Corey Haim's heroin addicted derelict by the time he's 25
i'm feeling my lack of years here...corey haim?
Oh my god.. you don't know "the Corey's"
Haim and Feldman. Haim is younger brother in Lost Boys, usually the main character in whatever movie featured the 2 of them (like License to Drive) Blown Away had the chick from Charles in Charge all nekkid and stuff...
Feldman was Mouth in Goonies, Edgar in Lost Boys (of Edgar and Allen, the Poe brothers) and the overly pierced Vampire-brother in Bordello of Blood..
Stop making me feel OAS-esque!!
i now know who he to translate my bio for me, now?
Beats the Hell out of me, I just had to demonstrate my Corey knowledge
you have coery knowledge, yet you dont know what "the lucas years" means? bad magoo. now you better have an answer by the time i get done playing NES pinball on my gamecube
wasn't charlie sheen in lucas too?
Quote:Starring Corey Haim, Kerri Green, Charlie Sheen, Courtney Thorne-Smith, Winona Ryder, Thomas E. Hodges

Yep, young Charlie was in Lucas. I completely forgot about that movie....
Not for nothing, this is a great thread but...

How hard is it to figure out a bunch of people you have been around for so long and whose lives are pretty much public archives on the board. It is like reading a book and then being surprised that you can type out a summary.

But still it is cool to see what people think about you.

Jack - Is one of the nicest guys I know of, well atleast from what I know. He is a person who enjoys helping others more than himself, he will practically sacrafice himself for the people he cares about. He will make some woman very happy one day because he is honest, sincere, loving, and will treat her like a queen. He has so much love inside him yet not enough people to share it with. He also looks for not so much approval but acceptance because his home life from one of his parents was probably not there at all or atleast not very good I would say his mother.

Amy - I have known her probably longer than anyone. Amy has not had it easy but sometimes she holds too much pity for herself, not at her own fault but most people always think they have it worse than anyone else. She is extremely dependant on others and needs affection because I gather her home life and relationship with her parents was very weak. She settles in life because she feels she can not do better, and has little to no self esteem. She yearns for attention and being the center of all talk, wether it be good or bad. Once again because she probably had a lonely childhood, she will not admit to it but she does. She is also blinded many times by what she feels is love but in reality it is not, it is need. The need to be loved and cared for by someone.

Other than that, she wished death on me and I couldn't care less at this point.
Ok, I'll give this a shot.

Magus: An intellectual type, loves to read. Prefers sci-fi and fantasy books as they offer an escape from the normal world he finds rather mundane. While not necessarily a "socialite", can fit in most any social gathering as he sees fit. Probalably just as happy to be at home with a good book as he is to be at a party, will always go with the flow of things. His "renaissance man" personality offers him enough knowledge of a broad range of subjects to carry on a conversation with most anyone. Wants to be succesful, but not at the cost of artistic side.

OAS- While the "elder" of the group he rarely lets himself "feel old". Has done much in his life, more than most of us can imagine, but knows in his heart he has so much more to experience. Lives life to the fullest, trying to enjoy each moment and learn from each day. Generally a paternal person, but still able to be a kid at heart. A mild mannered person for the most part, but has a strong sense of "the line", and will become very steadfast when someone tries to cross it. Will at times walk that same line just for shits and giggles.
Quote:How hard is it to figure out a bunch of people you have been around for so long and whose lives are pretty much public archives on the board. It is like reading a book and then being surprised that you can type out a summary.
sometimes there is a big difference between someones message board persona and real life persona
this thread is ineed great.

still mad at me kitten? :-(
Quote:sometimes there is a big difference between someones message board persona and real life persona

Not when peoples real lives are public knowlege, you know Damn well what I meant mister button pusher.

VG I was never mad at you at all.
I know what you meant and I agree, I am just stating that a lot of people's real lives aren't public knowledge here. I am surpised no one has tried to do Slash yet.
Well yeah I agree dude, like doing someone like VG is different from doing someone like amy. I wasn't making a blanket statement for everyone, just that a lot of people here know more about others than themselves.

Sleeper keeps a lot of shit bottled up, imagine how scary it would be if he spoke his mind freely? I give 6-5 odds that he'd be killed within an hour.
What kind of odds would you give me on him snapping and taking out 6 or 7 innocents before he gets killed?
2-1 he takes ikeaboy first.
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