Full Version: What i know about you - Your conclussions about others
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Oh you have no clue as to my abilities, touch, and knowlege of anatomy.
:loveya: Yer my new favorite :loveya:
Quote:Oh you have no clue as to my abilities, touch, and knowlege of anatomy.

I'll have you know that the kids on the block used to call GS "the surgeon". Little bastard never lost a game of operation.
I gotta make up for my hideous, ungodly, horrible looks, somehow.
My take on GonzoStyle.

He's a funny fuck but that is just overcompensation for his hideous, ungodly, horrible looks
Damn i cant believe no one did Kid.
Quote:no one did Kid.

If you aren't here, we tend to forget about you
Ladi, I am hurt by your comment. :-(
Cause k1d is too mysterious for us, plus if we did k1d he would just break it down sentence by sentence and point out our short comings.
ok, look there's kid ... and me without my edit button

let's see KidA ...

your aura is clouded, please try again later
Ladi... :loveya:
k1d is really white.
K1d Huntington?
Fuckin genius.
{ anth's black voice } Yo man, what's up? {/ anth's black voice}
I am perplexing.

My head hurts when TFEC posts.
Wow! Nice thread guys! *bump*
spit- very generous. but is to tough to let herself get taken advantage of because of her generosity. can't stand bullshit and drama, keeps herself out of it at all costs. sometimes needs a little extra attention ( but then again who doesn't?) but isn't an attention monger. very easy going, she can talk to just about anyone. extremely independent would rather do it herself then rely on anyone else. would give the people she loves (ie friends, boyfriend, family) the world if they needed it, and wouldn't as for a Damn thing in return. she has a carefree attitude, but also had a very serious side. very forgiving, but never forgets, which sometimes show in the way she treats people. also extremely lovable.
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