Full Version: What i know about you - Your conclussions about others
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sleeper: well, i know he is a student, i have no idea what he is studying, but im gonna say its some type of business/ accounting job. i also think that he is a very quiet, shy and serious person around other people that he encounters during his day. i think he is that way, because people don't really "get" him or his sense of humor. but around friends and such its a completely different person, very out going and silly. always ready to cause a ruckus in the right company. i also think he wants/needs a grrl. one that he can take care of, cause i see him being that type of guy.
Holy Shit, I bet Sleeper is on the phone with CLS listening to emo while crying his eyes out after that
it wasn't meant to be's just what i think.
I am actually rather freaked about how close she is...
That's what I meant. You were crying because of how well she knows you.

Fuck it. I can't communicate effectively without being able to go back and reword my akwardly written thoughts via the edit button
True, I was crying. And "wind beneath my wings" started playing in the background. It was spooky.
yeah...i think im done playing this game now. i KNEW that was going to happen. i have a freaky sense about people that i encounter, i can tell a lot about people from just looking at them or observing them in this sort of situation.
hold me
im scurred myself. i hate it when i do that. everyone else thinks its oh so cool. no. its not.
What number am I thinking right now?
first number that came to mind was 57. but it doesn't work that way, it just has to come to me, i can't be asked things on command.

last one, only cause i was working on it.

gonzo- uses silliness and self deprecating humor, to cover up some sort of hurt that he has in his life. he makes up crazy stories/ideas, to escape his own reality, and make other people laugh because he feels thats all he has.. i don't see him having a serious profession, more like jumping from job to job, cause he has yet to find his little place in the world. though he has faith that one day everything will fall in to place. and so do i.
OK, VG officially scares me now. :thumbs-up:
Most insightful thread responses ever, VG... BRAVO!!!!!
ok..i lied, one more came to me.

buttmunch: well, i know he works in a serious profession, which causes him to sometimes to be cold and standoffish outside of work, even though he doesn't mean to be. he feels guilty when he acts that way towards people.
also has a very serious, hard exterior, ( which he has because he doesn't trust very many people for some reason) but once you get through all the hardness and bullshit with him, you "get" him, and over look all the faults he has. makes a very trusting, caring, kind hearted friend.
Whats my horoscope?
Shouldn't really be surprised. To be a good actress (well, actor is PC now), you need to really understand people. And VG does want to be on stage. :thumbs-up:
Quote:gonzo- uses silliness and self deprecating humor, to cover up some sort of hurt that he has in his life.

That is somewhat true.

Quote:he makes up crazy stories/ideas, to escape his own reality, and make other people laugh because he feels thats all he has..

Not at all, it is sadly how I think, and I am insulted... that is all I have?

You really are a dude aren't you?
I believe everything Gonzo says is true.
I think we need to send VG to DC to look over people on the streets. She should be able to identify the sniper. It will just come to her.

Metalfan - I see Metal as the hard working Insurance company guy buried at his desk with a never ending stack of bureaucratic nonsense that he toils with everyday. The type of employee that is very thorough and very dependable. Moderate income, devoted family man that has a dark side that needs to come out and the message boards may be his only outlet. His family probably frowns on his wild hair desires and keeps him in check so he doesn't run off and do those frivolous things. He is a penny pincher and only splurges on something maybe once every year or two. Probably is perceived by those who know him as a nice guy that would give you the shirt off his back, while Metal actually despises those people.
Hey, I didn't know you sat in the cube next to mine :lol:

Quote:Moderate income
OK, what does this mean to you, in dollars and cents?

Quote:Probably is perceived by those who know him as a nice guy that would give you the shirt off his back, while Metal actually despises those people.

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