Full Version: What i know about you - Your conclussions about others
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the baby will need an "AIMP"-esqe sidekick.
Quote:awh, now aint that nice

see i'm not that bad of a guy
well? was I even a little bit close?
Isn't AIMP the sidekick?
Sounds like you kids are creating the next Charles Manson.... You better just lock it up for life....
Don't talk about my baby like that!!!!
I'm gonna sneak in it's window at night and snatch it. You'll never see him again!!!!
Quote:Don't talk about my baby like that!!!!
gentic engineering has replaced the real children...
you touch my baby...i will have to kill you.
vg named my peesh baby, isnt that cute? come to momma, baby.
fdb is still my one and only son, we were speaking in theory my boy.
ok...carry on, then
whew...was worried there for a minute I would have to kidnap fbdklsingklsdf;lksdfjkksdlfkjiwlmn!
Touch fdb and you shall unleash unholy Hell that will ravage your life like the plaugue.
Promise?? :loveya:
I didn't mean that way, I meant in a bad way where you will not achieve orgasm.
Quote:I meant in a bad way where you will not achieve orgasm.

I don't know why, but I think that has to be stand alone the single funniest thing I have ever seen.
Magus always achieves arousal and climax, he's a stud in a land of... wait that is not a compliment.
Quote:I meant in a bad way where you will not achieve orgasm.
And that's different from any other time??? :crackhead:
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