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anyone else want to do me?
ill do you keyser ;-)
Amy just wants to be done. Period. She doesn’t know for sure if she will like it, but figures it’s all the rage because her friends are all doing it. She struggles with demons inside her that are telling her she wont like it and wonders what she will do if she finds she doesn’t.

That aside, Amy is in that wondering aimlessly stage of her life. She may be facing the uncertainty of whether she will realize her dreams and what will her new dream be. Sweet, caring, loyal and devoted, she often sits and wonders if the white house with the picket fence fairytale ever comes true for anyone. She is the type of person one appreciates if she is your friend.
ok, lets hear it.
Quote:she often sits and wonders if the white house with the picket fence fairytale ever comes true for anyone.
:disappointed: I know the struggle
Quote:GW ... looks out for himself & excpets others to also. A man's man, girls are another species entirely. Social, active, lots of nervous energy. World wise, if not book smart. His job does not define him, it just pays the bills. Responsible, an upstanding citizen, family man, status quo.

bzzzzzz wrong
must of read the wrong cards
the only thingz I agree with are the job part and the not book smart statements
i also don't understand "girls are another species entirley"
care to explain Rolleyes
shit i really suck at this, sorry. ill leave it to the professionals
they can't all be winners

Quote:care to explain
not really, I don't think it would make it better

Hey Keyser ... close or not?
fbdlingfrg is Corey Haim from the Lucas years.

Soon, he will be the studly Corey Haim from the "Blown Away" years, and eventually tailspin into Corey Haim's heroin addicted derelict by the time he's 25
Ladi, close but I don't handle the business of the band, I leave that to our manager. I do drop off press kits at bars now and then.

heres my take on Ladi...

Ladi is a man's lady but still very feminine. She is as comfortable hanging with the boys as dishing it up with the girls. She has a twisted sense of humor and a dry view on the world. Shes rough around the edges but she knows how to be gentle when need be. Sometimes overplays the rough side to be more buddy buddy with the guys, might be a defense mechanism from getting too "girly".
ooo a manager, congrats

thank you :-D
Quote:and eventually tailspin into Corey Haim's heroin addicted derelict by the time he's 25
Noellevious is a no-nonsense type of girl. She is direct and to the point and will give it to you straight. Possibly and Aries, she has no time for those who don't see things her way. She is strong in her convictions and will fight to the death to see them through. Some might find her abrasive, others might respect her honesty.
You've been talking to people.
first i must say, Ladi you are right with a lot with what you think im all about.

i didn't read what others have wrote about other people yet, so im curious to see if my thoughts are simalar to the others done, i just skimmed through and saw that keyser, polly and amy wanted to be done, so here you go...

has many insecurities, which is why he plays off as being a cocky person. let me hurt you before you hurt me kind of attitude. is actually a very approachable guy, but people don't know that because they only see the pretty exterior making him seem unapproachable. he loves things that are visually beautiful, he can't see the immediate beauty in things unless they are blatant. in work situations he is very personable, and willing to give anyone a had. he is also a hard worker. he also has a very soft interior that he only lets a few select people see. he does this to avoid getting hurt by random people. the few people he lets in are special.

genuinely a sweet caring person by nature, but this gets hurt very easily, she gives people the benefit of the doubt, but gets walked all over some of the time. when she is hurt, she is immediately angry, over time the anger fades( she forgives very easily) yet the pain from the hurt she carries with her through out her life. she doesn't like to cause a ruckus when she is mad or angry, she will hold it in until she just about explodes, then has a break down. she wants to be taken care of, by a man, friends, family whichever, because she feels she takes care of everyone else, so she deserves some in return.

amy- she always means well. always out to please other people, even if that means sacrificing her own happiness. a bit naive ( that's not meant as a insult) when it comes to somethings in life, she has a lot of growing to do, and i think in the past year or so she has gone through a lot of changes and that process of change/growing is already happening. she looks at all the good things instead of the bad in the world. feels that taking risks are worth it, even if it leave you hurt or heart broken in the end. she values her acceptance from other people.

now some of you fuckers do me!:bouncer:

Edited By virgingrrl on 1034191281
I want to hug everyone after this thread
VG - Very popular with all her friends. Always the first one called when people want to go out or have a party. Very outgoing and friendly, but her open nature disguises the fact that she's really very private and doesn't give much away about herself.

In real life, she's the "nice" girl. Always polite and kind. She comes here to vent the urges she won't entertain in real life, like cursing and fighting. Wants to break out and be a bad girl, but only when she finally meets Mr. Right, and then only as a very special Honeymoon Surprise.
DENT do me do me hard!!!! hehe
Quote:I want to hug everyone after this thread

why's that ladi?

Quote:VG - Very popular with all her friends. Always the first one called when people want to go out or have a party. Very outgoing and friendly, but her open nature disguises the fact that she's really very private and doesn't give much away about herself.

true, they know i love to cause a ruckus when the time is right.
and you are right im very private by nature.

Quote:In real life, she's the "nice" girl. Always polite and kind. She comes here to vent the urges she won't entertain in real life, like cursing and fighting.

i am a nice, polite and kind grrl, but i have a mouth like a fucking trucker :-D
pretty accurate but im actually pretty open about my insecurities. i'm not the kind of person who trys to cover them up, i know what they are and acknowledge them.

here's one for you VG...

she is a girl who enjoys the simple things in life. she can find the positive in almost any situation. she is a comforter, has motherly qualities. she wants to take care of people but also wants to be taken care of. she wants to be treated like a lady but at the same time can be naughty and nasty. she is very protective of her privacy. shes a girly girl that occassionally likes to let loose and explore her darker side. something tells me she had an easy bake oven when she was a wee one.
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