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I know what youre saying, I even understand the point.
All I'm saying is, we are a ways from the 22 year mark.

sometimes when i post i do it from a mac
i like having sex with the lights on

i have trouble falling asleep and getting up early

i watched "about last night" with rob lowe and demi moore tonight and could really relate to it being my life 3 years ago
I don't like going to sleep.
I don't like waking up.

Why can't the world flip flop its days so that we're up in the dark and sleeping when it's light?

I think I may be part vampire.

Sir O reminded me of someone today....
When I was 20, I had this girlfriend who wanted me to cut her while we were in bed together. I said I didn't want to, but now I wish that I had just to experience it.

I like bondage. Choking, restraints, tying up, blindfolds. The whole thing.
Quote:Why can't the world flip flop its days so that we're up in the dark and sleeping when it's light?
fuck the world, i just do that anyway :thumbs-up:
Last week I didn't sleep at all....was tired the first few days but then I was just wired....took sleeping pills to finally get some sleep.

There's only one person in my life who I really love, and she's dying.
when people make posts like list your favourite/top 10 of blank i have nothing to contribute, i couldn't come up with a list of favourite anything...
how about favORite words to misspell...? :-D
hmm...i'm coming in all kinds of late on this, but what the Hell. Its amazing how much i can relate to of what a lot of you have said.

unless i talk to them semi-regularly, I never IM anyone...even people i talk to a lot unless i have something specific to say I don't IM them most times, i ususally have my buddy list on but minimized. But i'm on all day anyway...anyone ever want to bother me, feel free :-D

I think WAY WAY too much. I have that same problem as sleeper in that when i go to bed i usually stay awake thinking and overanalyzing whatever shit is going on in my life.

I've never had a relationship last longer than 6 months.

I find myself being the guy that people take their problems too a lot. I don't really mind, I know I'm a good listener and I try to help people out, but a lot of times when i have something pressing on my I don't really feel like I have anyone to tell that I feel comfortable talking to, so I wrestle with it in my own head.

I've drank and smoked weed, i'm probably trying shrooms for the first time this coming weekend.

I'll probably think of more later...great thread guys :thumbs-up:
I don't like the University of Maryland...
...because we spanked you in football.
both your colleges suck :-p
Quote:I think WAY WAY too much. I have that same problem as sleeper in that when i go to bed i usually stay awake thinking and overanalyzing whatever shit is going on in my life.
i've done this for as long as i can remember. when i was little i'd get myself all worked up trying to figure out what comes after the universe and trying to fathom all that stuff. my mum's solution was to read the bible or do rosary until i fell asleep, but the solution i had was when i started getting upset to start working backwards in my mind and figure out how i managed to wander to that point and it usually ended up back to thinking about something real trivial, by which time i'd fallen asleep. either that or i don't go to bed without the tv or music on.

did i mention my problem with runon sentences?
Quote:but the solution i had was when i started getting upset to start working backwards in my mind and figure out how i managed to wander to that point and it usually ended up back to thinking about something real trivial, by which time i'd fallen asleep
I do that!!
ya me too, weeeird
of the six or seven people in my circle of best friends at school, I'm the only one who is single right now.
All 3 years I've been at school, my roomate has had a long distance girlfriend and the daily phone calls have driven me insane.
I feel your pain...that was last year for me...but this year its worse, he's dating a girl here and i basically now live in a converted, my roomate, and his chick :crackhead:
being at college has made me appreciate my friends from high school more.
I miss high school...
i miss college...

i've got more:
it bugs the Hell out of me that if i dare criticize something about the way things are here, certain people will tell me to leave the country then and go back to where i'm from.

also, teeth jokes, i always went to the dentist every 3-6 months and so did most of the people i know. (and it's free) i know more people in the southeast that are missing teeth than in england :angry:

Edited By crx girl on 1035368771
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