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gonzo is smart :bow:
magus is ammused easily

but i am, too
Quote:Dude.. Just come OVER to my house.. I have multi-player games you know!!!
You've never invited me. :-(
I miss Grumpy...
actually, gonzo, i was glad to see this wasn't a tool-fest. at some other boards, such open-ness was usually grounds for some sort of vulture thing. what a fucked up bunch, huh?
Quote:You've never invited me.
I was born a rich white child. When you look at me, you can see what's on the end of the silver spoon.

I was born a rich white child.... but, if I have anything to say about it, I won't die one.
is it strange that i want a toilet bowl in my bedroom?
OO OO I DO TOO hkldslflksdkfjsdls, and i want a mcdonalds in there
Quote:is it strange that i want a toilet bowl in my bedroom?
No, my dear. That and a mini-frig is considered heaven.
Quote:i can go for over a week without a shower
during said week, i will not change my underwear
and also during said week, i tend to wear the same pairs of pants each day you think that could be part of the reason why you're still a virgin? ;-)

The first time Pat Cooper and I met we were wrestling and he fell off the bed and smacked his eye on a chair...I told everyone I gave him the black eye for getting frisky...

I hate high heels...I'm tool tall for them you think that could be part of the reason why you're still a virgin
i only do that when i spend a week at home. when i go out to see people, i shower first
just how tall are you?
Quote:actually, gonzo, i was glad to see this wasn't a tool-fest.

I wasn't sure about that or not, I was hoping it wouldn't be. I know on this post woulda been devoured by now, or turned into a one word reply fest. I'm really happy to see all of us sharing with eachother and seeing eachother for who we are and basically getting to know your fellow posters better.
Quote:or turned into a one word reply fest.
I feel like I know a whole lot more about you people than I ever wanted to...

But I'll play along...

I have no respect for authority.

My longest relationship was 5 months.

I never attended a single class after graduating HS, despite having the third highest SAT scores in a class of over 200.

I've been arrested 4 times.

I've done weed, acid, shrooms, dust, crystal meth, steroids, coke, and crack (twice...voluntarily...and both times, felt guilty as Hell afterwards).

I'm very lucky that I don't have any STD's, or kids.

My mother's suicide, and the events surrounding it, was the most traumatic period in my life.

In High School, I was a member of both the debate team and the chess club.

Despite the fact that I'm an introvert, I greatly enjoy public speaking.

I've had over 25 different employers in my lifetime thus far.

I hate peanut butter, I think it's one of the most foul creations ever.

I own over 400 wrestling tapes, many of which I've never even watched.

I have a 6 inch scar on my back because a chick thought it was a good idea to bring a razor blade into our sex life. I didn't even realize it had happened until the next day, and I wasn't mad.

I have a low tolerance for unintelligent people, and I often need to remind myself that stupid people can't help it.

I like Shakira's music.

I'm so lazy, that if I have to piss in the middle of the night, I'll just reach for an empty water bottle and piss in that rather than get up and walk to the bathroom.

When I was younger, I got into a fight almost every day, it seemed.

I've been posting on message boards for over 10 years.

I drove for years with a suspended license, and didn't even know it. Unfortunately, finding out meant getting caught, which means another year...
Quote:I hate high heels...I'm tool tall for them
I like High Heels.. they play heavy music, the bartenders know me so i get freebies, and the dancers aren't always skanky (and because the place is so slow they don't take the dollar and run, they actually work for it!!)
you're alright, gonzo. tihs is probably the mosts posting i've done in a single day, and depsite my horrible judgement, i feel i may have almost gained acceptance here. :thumbs-up:
Whoa. You hate peanut butter??? BLASPHEMER!
Quote:and depsite my horrible judgement, i feel i may have almost gained acceptance here.
No, you're wrong. ;-)
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