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slumber party sounds like fun spit
Quote:I wish more people would post instead of lurking
Quote:i was really serious about the slumber party thing...

is it girls only, or can some guys go too??
I don't think I've done any work today. :thumbs-up:
i wish i could play with yah spit
no access to here at work
i think you deserve a spankin

polly, what are yah getting?

i like to cuddle
there goes my image :disappointed:
I think a butterfly, but I'm not 100% sure. I kinda want a dafodil more than anything though.
Sorry, girls only. Old-school sleepover.

Polly, go for something that has strong meaning to you. And make sure you go to some place that people you've known have gone to before and have had a positive experience.
Quote:i luv snapple "real facts"
You too???

Did you know....Strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges?
Old school sleepovers make me think of renting the whole Nightmare on Elmstreet series. I think a slumber party would be a cool idea, but I don't talk to any of the girls from the board off the board....

The butterfly would be a memorial of sorts..
i want to get another tattoo, and my tongue pierced and my eyebrow pierced
My tongue ring opened when I was eating lunch LOL I almost choked on it. I want to repierce my nipples.
Quote:and my eyebrow pierced
Nooo....why would you want to ruin such a pretty face? Don't get the eyebrow done.
Shouldn't they be caressed and preped before you pierce them again Polly?
Munich '72?

I was thinking licked and nibbled.
i let my tongue ring hole close after surgery...i wouldn't mind getting it again

i enjoy writing erotic stories
I feel like I've missed out on too much stuff.

Every time I try to make a major change in my life, something comes up and interferes.
lets get our tongues pierced together skitch :thumbs-up:
Wouldn't that make it difficult to talk and swallow?
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