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I feel really weird right now, I told someone something that I have been keeping private for a long time. I'm kinda worried what their response will be to what I said, I don't wanna ruin a friendship over it but I had to tell them.
I miss my step father terribly. He made my mom happy and I made the mistake of not letting him in until probably 2 months before he died. He was at the hospital after having a kidney transplant and the last thing I said to him (I had been calling everyday and asking the same question) is when are you coming home.. He kinda got upset that I kept asking and the next day I was sick and called in to work and got a phone call from my grandmother at 11:00 AM that he had died suddenly of a blood clot. 3 days before Christmas in 2000. I still cannot get over it. It lingers in the back of my mind every day.

Edited By Jack on 1035332276
I'm sorry to hear that jack.

I always have the most morbid feeling everytime my mom goes out, that she will be hurt in a car crash. Especially if she has been out for a while and hasn't called, I automatically think she is hurt or worse off dead, I have even gone so far at times to prepare myself for it, if it did happen. Sometimes I would wanna be alone and would encourage her to go out, then I would feel this errie feeling, that if something happened to her, I would blame myself for being selfish. I dunno, it is pretty weird.
during the summer, i cover every single source of light in my room for three reasons...
1) glare
2) the sun doesn't wake me up and i can sleep until 1.
3) i like not being able to see my own hand in front of my face.

I often feel the need to inflict pain upon people for no reason, but i usually don't

Though my entire family, including me, has always lived in either Queens or Long Island, i have apparantly developed a different accent than they have. I have no idea why, but i have had several people ask me where i was from, and they are always surprised when i say Long Island.
i fear that i may inadvertently drive into a passing tractor trailer. i can't explain it, but i have to watch myself just in case.
I don't have a drivers license...I'm always too busy to even learn how to drive...
I've often wondered what it would be like to drive into oncoming traffic. But I fear I would only be paralyzed, rendering sex pointless.

This thread is a runaway success ::golf clap:: for Gonzo
(& VG for the 2nd)
I hate going to sleep at night cause I can never fall asleep quickly and I get wrapped up in my thoughts. I try to keep myself distracted when I'm awake so this won't happen.
i love this thread, it's making me realize really how much i have in common with a lot of people here :loveya:

i worry too much, similar to gonzo's thing. when i lived at home my parents would often go out and leave me to babysit. i would always have a feeling in the back of my mind that something had happened to them, not helped by the fact that they always came home late. but i would sit waiting for them to come home going through my mind of how i would manage and what i would have to do. i always figured i could look after myself, but i'd have to send my sisters back to england to live with my older sister.

i'm way too emotional about a lot of things i can't do a thing about. i have a tendency to get severely depressed whenever i think about the state of things on a global scale, politicians, big business etc... i know there's nothing i can do about it but when i think about the fact that people aren't all inherently good and that there's so many people out there who constantly walk all over other people just for their own benefit, i get miserable for days.

i lack the confidence to speak my mind a lot and i always second guess myself. there are several times a day that i type something in the reply box then delete it and move on...

i really want to give people statuses but i can't ever think of anything good, or at least, i don't ever think that what i think of is any good Undecided
oh, and i have a terrible habit of posting with massive run-on sentences :-p
along the lines of what sleeper just said....

i think way too much. about everything.

sometimes i just sit and be quiet cause i don't want to hurt anyone.

i have big feet, but they are nice.

i have always said, that if people took the time to talk to me, they would really like me. but for some reason people are sacred of me when they meet me.

i hate my freckles sometimes.

i also hate the small modonna-esque gap i have between my front teeth sometimes. but i feel if i got it bonded (or do what ever they do to close gaps) it would change who i am.

i tounge the gap in my teeth when im annoyed.

i have an oral fixation * INSERT JOKE HERE*, always something in my mouth or playing with my lips
Quote:i hate my freckles sometimes.
join the club :-)
monkey fucker has freckles too!?!? <3
the grrl in my sig pic could be me if my tattoo was on my neck and not my lower back...and my hair was longer and darker...

Edited By virgingrrl on 1035335915
did someone say status?
Quote:im going to see garbage and no doubt tomorrow
TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote:the grrl in my sig pic could be me if my tattoo was on my neck and not my lower back...and my hair was longer and darker...
oh, yeah ... exactly then :lol: :crackhead:
Quote:im going to see garbage and no doubt tomorrow

tell ms. manson i say hi, and i want her so bad.
does she have normal hair now or is it still extremely short and bleached?
Quote:TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this leads me to ask:

who do you want to see?
1. shirly
3. me ;-)

sorry my magnuts i dont have an extra ticket...its just me an 5 of my grrls.
I often fall asleep on the phone if the conversation does not interest me

My hair grows way too fast, if I did'nt gel it I would need a haircut every week

I find myself breaking into dance at the oddest times, only to look around and have people stare at me like I'm retarded
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