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i weatch too much simpsons, sopranos and csi.

marg hot. want to touch the hiney.
Quote:It wasn't a really a threesome. The pretty boy, Brin, and the big boobed southern gal were just making out and feeling on eachother. They didn't have sex though.
Is this Brin that skinny big nosed chick? And then she called her Dad and got all pissed off & upset when he was disappointed?

Dumbass! There are somethings parents don't always need to know. She even said before hand that he was going to be mad. Confuseduicide:
I always call my dad after I have sex.

He says, "way to go boy!".
You're all just forcing it now. C'mon. Confess.
I shot Lincoln.

I never did catch the rest of that play. Undecided
Quote:Is this Brin that skinny big nosed chick? And then she called her Dad and got all pissed off & upset when he was disappointed?
No, that was the southern chick.. Brin is the other white girl with the smaller boobs.
I like twizzlers better than red vines. Unless the red vines are black licorice. Nothing beats black licorice.

I watch Survivor too.

And if I remembered when it was on, I would watch Real World. I just can't seem to remember what day it's on!

I want to make a significant change in my life. I just can't seem to get enough balls to do it.
Tuesday nights at 10
wrong time zone gomez...
oh, and my right foot is a half a shoe size bigger than my left.

Thanks LG, now remind me next Tuesday. :-p
Quote:I tend to be easily fooled by men and their intentions. I sometimes think they want to be friends, when in fact they don't. I've been in situations more than once where they just whip it out and I'm totally shocked.
i thought i was the only one

i've seen just about every survivor, and i watch amazing race too.
Quote:I sometimes think they want to be friends, when in fact they don't.
come on...every guy meets a girl and just wants to be friends with her. its not like almost every girl we meet we try to hook up with it one point or another

Edited By fbdlingfrg on 1035428330
Quote:I talk to myself all the time too, is it an only child thing? I actually go so far as to have arguments with myself. I don't care who sees that I'm nuts.

I'm an only child too, spit. I also find myself arguing and having debates/discussions on topics with myself a lot. I don't think it makes me crazy. I can be watching a documentary or a movie and just start discussing or debating a point.

I really like spit a lot, even more so now after getting to read her confessions. I think she is really cool, she deserves a big hug.

I'll sometimes get really depressed about myself late at night and cry. I am really not happy with who I am most times.
oh yeah, i knew there was something else i was gonna say before. i talk to myself too, and i have 3 sisters. my dad will have full on conversations with himself right in front of you and he was from a big family, so i don't think that makes a difference.

i also tell people the same things or stories over and over. and judging by my grandparents i'm only gonna get worse with that...
Quote:i like to give people nicknames.
:lookatme: :loveya: :lookatme:
Quote:speaking of nicknames...i HATE when other people call people by the nicknames i have given them, right momo? ;-)
you tell'em :loveya: :fuggin:

Edited By FNMoron on 1035460226
I watch Survivor and Sopranos as well. Ghandia getting the boot was a good thing.....fucking annoying twat!!! Based on the preview for this week, I hope the NYC cop totally does a police brutality number on Tommy Lee.....someone needs to do it, why not NY's finest :thumbs-up:

I suffer from road rage.

I find Ken funny.

I actually enjoy watching children's shows on the weekends. Its a nice break from the depressing news :-(
I always manage to say or do the wrong thing.
I make terrible first impressions and it seems that once people get to know me they really don't like me.
I can do something and someone else does the same exact thing but I am the one who pisses people off.
If under ten people im me a day, I'm lonely.

I talk to myself loudly, at length, and sometimes with an accent.

I own a couple of those NOW Volume Whatever c.d.'s.
Quote:I want to make a significant change in my life. I just can't seem to get enough balls to do it.


you're not going for gender re-assignment, are you?
i don't like hangovers
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