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my best friends dad sexually harasses me. not physically but mentally. i dont like to go there anymore and i dont like to call in chance of him picking up the phone. when im left alone with him im very uncomfortable. he makes comments about how good i look or how i make him feel and i am too afraid to say anything about it. i know he looks at me all the time, i can feel him staring at me when im not looking. i was in the car with him once and he told me to touch it, but i didnt. he asked me if i wanted to see it, but of course i said no. just things like that have really fucked things up for me.

also i used to hang out with this DJ in his booth at the Rt 18 Flea Market. one time he locked the door and wanted me to dance with him. of course iw as too scared to do anything but what he said. i think i was about 13 at the time. he started grinding on me, making me feel very very uncomfortable. i wish i had more balls to stick up for myself.
I miss Sluggo posting too. Luckily I get to see him all the time.
Tell him to come back Maynard...

Sexual harrassment is Sexual Harrassment, be it physical OR mental.
I STRONGLY suggest you inform a parent that your friend's dad makes inappropriate comments, and that you then inform your friend's dad that his comments make you uncomfortable and that if he continues you'll be forced to speak to the police.

Either that or avoid him like the plague.
i remember the day my mom kicked my dad out. she put all his things out on the porch and just left him out there with no place to go. id go down the front steps and just look at all the stuff there. once when i got mad i kicked one of the windows out of the door so id go down and hed talk to me through the door. he lived in his car for the longest time before he found a place to live. it was hard for me to deal with, i could only imagine what it mustve done for my brothers. i was in 5th grade, my one brother in 2nd and my other not even in school yet.
I've asked him. He's really busy lately and won't have too much time until January or so.
I keep forgetting I've got MayMay, Sluggo AND Moron all within 5 minutes.. so many stalking targets.. so little time.....
When I first joined CDIH I was scared of people cause all the people that gave me shit on were mods here...
who else wants to kick amy's friend's father's ass?
I miss the TeenTomatoBoys and their Pluralized posting style......
I do... :lookatme:
Quote:i cant believe that thread hit 500+ replies in less than 24 hours

Believe it or not I did, I held off on posting the thread till just the right time. I did it for a few reasons, mainly for us to be more trusting of eachother and to see eachother for who we trully are, instead of what we may think others to be. Plus I just thought it was a Damn good basis for a post.

Hey it'll probably save a lot of people thousands in psychiatry bills.
well if you'd pull yourself away from the video games for 5 minutes we could hang out you dick!
I would think my response made MY opinion of the scumsucker obvious
Quote:who else wants to kick amy's friend's father's ass?

i'm in
Dude.. Just come OVER to my house.. I have multi-player games you know!!!
Quote:When I first joined CDIH I was scared of people cause all the people that gave me shit on were mods here...

This is one of the main reasons I knew this post would be helpful as well as good for us all. In the main scheme of things we are all friends here and we are all people.
Quote:Dude.. Just come OVER to my house.. I have multi-player games you know!!!
Ugh...that's so hot... :loveya:
I'm starting to think Gonzo's compiling psychological profiles of all of us so he can better control our thoughts...... then again i have been known to be a little paranoid......
I'd play Tekken-Tag with Kindred any day of the week :-D

Edit-HAH!! I finally caught up to you bastards.. for the past few posts I've replied, re-opened thread, and replied without stopping.. i FINALLY replied to myself!!
HAHAHA!!! Beat you you fools!!!!

Edited By Lord Magus on 1035322072
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