Full Version: The Podcasts - Season 1
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why does everyone dance around what everyone is waiting for?

the keyser cast with panel members, gonzo & jays?

i want to know what it's like to always look like you just got out of the shower.
we're doing one thursday, we should have a wealth of topics to discuss or not.
you should play the, 'whats in my hand game' with jays.
or, revoking all current mod positions and make it a payable privledge like a PBS pledge drive.

$5 - Mod for a month
$20 - Mod for 6 moths
$50- (Gold Package) Mod for 1 year.

That would start some good, old fashion animoisty.
pool tourneys are easier, and more profitable.
nice one gooch
sorry, I didnt have any twinkies handy when I posted that.

how's meowsolini doing?
gonzo had him whacked
have you ever had a cigarette that tasted like pot?!

has your hand unexplicably smelled like a condom!?

these are issues that need to be addressed!
Hoon Wrote:have you ever had a cigarette that tasted like pot?!

has your hand unexplicably smelled like a condom!?

these are issues that need to be addressed!


you've never smoked a cigarette and detected a hint of marijuana taste?

I smoked weed once, I dont remember what it tasted like.
care for some water?
way to dredge up that horrible evening
go hug a tree, hippie!
I'd rather smoke one.
you'll be smoking in hell!!!
you can't see me, but right now i'm drawing the outline of a square with my index fingers!
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