Full Version: The Podcasts - Season 1
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there coulda been 2 more by now but apparently hedcold erases podcasts or naps through them.
I thought he only erased one - now it's two?

you guys need to get Rick Delgado.
they do
oh, right - "them"
yea so...?
this duck still live...
someones snoozing on the job as usual
these were going so well and then *poof*.
brand spanking new podcast coming soon.
how soon?
as soon as hedcold figures out how to undelete it
2 files?
i'm listening to it now at work. i just downloaded one file. 1 hour and 35 min
I didnt see the other thread, and I was too lazy to edit my other post.
I know you are - have you finally accepted it?
I do you a favor and you just continue to ruffle my fur.
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