Full Version: The Podcasts - Season 1
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No podcasts = No Hoon..... if thats not reason enough, I dunno what is.

sned up the signal!!!
the podcasts were gold.
i have them all saved.
i'd give all my natural moxy for one more.
get hoon to call in as a guest
it would probably be an ambush
that sounds like a challenge
the delay would give me time to think up some .NET worthy zingers!
we're allegedly doing one tonight during the mets game, so we can hear hedcold wimper.
oh? upload it!!
My name is Gonzostyle and I approve this podcast!
i actually got the levels right for my microphone input, so i don't sound like i'm in another room.
i guess the sounds were too loud at first until jays yelled at me for not being able to talk over the music.
maybe next time i can go 2 for 2
next time will be even better, we're back in form.
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nice!! I look forward to tuning in tomorrow morning.
i can't wait for the season 2 podcasts!
I hope we get renewed!
me too.
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