Full Version: The Podcasts - Season 1
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I guessed it after the first but I enjoy watching him blow a gasket and break the mic before figuring out that he wont be able to return it after breaking it.
how long did you play with the loose wires for
I couldn't help it, they were all pretty and blue... i'm a simple fellow.
i bet your paws could fanagle a working mic connection better than those over mitts of his
I have rather large paws, it's the extra finger on each paw and the oversized thumbs.

My paws actually look like mittens, it's quite cute to be honest.
try cleaning the taco sauce off the scuzzi.
that's arpi's line, biter.
it was a homage.
I fiddled with all the settings, mic is not muted, everythings plugged in, yet the mic doesnt work.

Its a conspiracy.
this is by far the wierdest thing ever spawned from cdih
it'll get weirder, I think I figured out the issue with my mic.
you sure you plugged it into the MIC JACK on the soundcard?
Don't raise your text at me!
WIR gave me the munchies
scariest and most dramatic moment: "they're walking, they're walking"

gayest moment: the quiet sing along with phil collins
wait till the live bong hits happen
the cat's mic works. you'd never kno he was neutered with his steamy talk
I liked having the board read to me on my way home from work. I'm going to start calling Jays when I get stuck in traffic.
when do we get to hear the kitty???

If I sound a bit like gonzo, don't be fooled. I'm sexier and more interesting.
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