Full Version: The Podcasts - Season 1
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breaking news, our special guest host outs arpi as a homosexual.
Post the podcast you fuckers left me out of
you will be on the next podcast after danked, dankeds been waiting for a couple months now.
i am making my own until then

unedited raw uncut version of the Podcast- Episode 4 available!!
just a teaser, not the whole show.
nvm, I got it.
bout time
if possibble, I would like someone to give a rough synopsis and concept behind the show, to be posted on the wiki.
Episode 2 of Danked Radio!

Featuring Danked at his highest, special dedications to other board members, and occasional loss of train of thought.

<a href=" Podcasts/CDIH Radio - Danked Edition - Ep 2.mp3" >CDIH Radio - Danked Edition - Episode 2</a>

*Please update the iTunes podcast feed with this.
Just an FYI...

I'm currently playing with TorrentTracker software on my site. Hopefully, I'll have another mp3 download option available via BitTorrent, and maybe we can do not just CDIH podcasts, but audio files we'd like to share in general.
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Part 2

<a href="" >The Podcast- Episode 4- A New Douche Part 2.MP3</a> (60.53 MB)

The Jays makes the claim that this will be the second worst podcast yet. A mystery guest joins the program, and Jays makes a tool out of himself. Hilarity ensues.

Part 3

<a href="">The Podcast- Episode 4- A New Douche Part 3.MP3</a>(66.08 MB)

CDIH board news, and more douchness.
the links dont work.
Well... there's always Danked Radio to listen to, goaty!
Danked Wrote:Well... there's always Danked Radio to listen to, goaty!

I need to check that out one day
the sausage and carrot show
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