Full Version: The Podcasts - Season 1
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the next podcast has been delayed
hopefully friday or something
Cool. I was hoping for a new one soon.
these things have gotten much less thunder than they deserve.
i enjoy them immensely
I'm gonna give a shoutout to my homey hoon.
im adding that to my highlights section of the wikki!
I want someone to call in to the next show.

I also want to do a segment on Escalators: A Design Gone Bad, as well as do an informative expose on the world of Ultimate Frisbee.
I'd like to hear a special guest appearence by Hoon.
Yes, Shannon Hoon would be a good guest. I can ask him about the bumblee girl! I'm sure he would love that question!
How about I come on and then you guys can just yell at your own echoes for an hour?
Next time you come on, we'll do shadow puppets.
well? wtf!!!
Hedcold hasn't been "in the mood"
that's what you told me, "I haven't been feeling in the mood".
i think i said that like over 2 months ago. you're the one who wasn't into doing one sunday
whoa whoa, no need to flip out on me.
less fighting more podcasting - thx
GonzoStyle Wrote:whoa whoa, no need to flip out on me.
stop being such a needy whore, jeez.
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