Full Version: The Podcasts - Season 1
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that sounds glorious!
special guest apperance by mr. potato
you're making me hungry.
just eat garbage, same thing.
you're just jealous that you chose the stale burger over it.
that was a tasty fuckin burger
all my burgers are tasty.
except when mr. bitter old man takes away all the condiments.
they were sittin' out for a while, you took too fuckin' long to decide!
you're a dirty fuck, you leave that shit till all the burgers are gone!!
but then the condiments go bad, they were out for a few hours at that point!!
Thats a bunch of horse poo poo, they dont take away the ketchup from the table when you are at a restaurant. they fuckin leave it there!
they refill the bottles inbetween customers - dont you pay attention?
refill doesnt mean that take it away and how much fuckin ketchup are you using that they have to refill it between every customer?
I use a lot - I love to drown my fries in it.
cheese fries are so much better but too many places don't make them properly. they just get a plate of fries and put a couple slices of american cheese on top, so horrible.
real cheese > that fake oily shit they call cheese.
as long as its not cheese slices.
cheese "sauce" - yuck!!!
you use real cheese but melt it down to a sauce
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