Full Version: Antidisestablishmentarianism - Now that is a fucking word
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arpi = teddy bear fondler
Metalfan=proudly re-telling TOG jokes since 1960
Mod Era
Groovy Go-Go boots
These boots were made for walkin
Thigh-high black leather 5" spiked heel boots
with matching leather opera gloves
these boots were made for fucking
Nice shoes...wanna fuck?
Lines that work for women, not men.
"So, uh...what's your sign"?
Would you like to come back to my house & take my clothes off with your teeth?
"If I told you you had a nice body would you hold it against me"?
Ever pass out from too many concecutive orgasms? Wanna try?
Quote:Ever pass out from too many concecutive orgasms? Wanna try?

OAS's dieing words
Thought it was RF's dieing wish?
Banging the Hotties
what we all want to do
Eat, drink, & be merry
Can I make Mary and spread Joy?
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