Full Version: Antidisestablishmentarianism - Now that is a fucking word
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VG wins. As usual. :confused:

And no one said the sentance doesn't use letters twice. Just that every letter is used.
oh <!--me&crx girl--><span id='ME'><center>crx girl !</center></span><!--e-me-->

<div align="center">Confusedtupid: </div>

Edited By crx girl on April 17 2002 at 10:37
hi! :bouncer:
ALOHA! :bouncer:
Tag! Wie gates?
this is a very strange thread :crackhead:
What about supercalafragilisticespealidoshus?
You spelled it wrong Keyser
What is the proper spelling?
the proper is the way luna spelt it a way up the page...supercalifragilisticexpiealidocious
fuck, now i feel like Maynard.
Quote:fuck, now i feel like Maynard.
You have more of a hard on for me than Arpi does. Do you have to mention my name in all of your posts?
well if i don't you can be assured a thread will be started shortly thereafter in your honor.
I was already gonna start a "Hi Keyser!" thread in the morning. :confused:
Quote:well if i don't you can be assured a thread will be started shortly thereafter in your honor.
oooh oooh can i can i can i can i can i please please please????
Quote:facetious uses all the vowels in order.

Top that bitch
Actually, it only uses all STANDARD vowels in order....
"FacetiouslY" however, uses all POSSIBLE vowels in order.
Consider it topped{:p}:roflmao: {:p}
so does Magus win now?
<table style=filter:glow(color=WHITE)><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>THREAD HIJACK IN PROGRESS</span> </table>

Seeing that the word game is locked up, I hijack this thread in the name of all those who slack! Based on Tomato Shit's last reply, the game starts now

Quote:Does magus win

Behind an ATM
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