Full Version: Antidisestablishmentarianism - Now that is a fucking word
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[Image: _1335552_horse150afp.jpg]
arpi's mom = always good for one more.
Quote:always good for one more.

Ladi on S&H greenstamps night
free penniciline shot with purchase.
burger king in harlem
White Castle
like shit through a goose
Honk Honk Honk Honk
road rage
Don't spill your beer :toast:
Here come the Judge!
Thier coming to take me away ha ha hee hee ho ho
To the happy home, with trees & flowers and chirping birds......
and basket weavers who sit and smile, and twiddle their thumbs, and fingers, and toes......
Quote:basket weavers

Wiccan baskets

hey...don't look at me...blame it on Arthur Dent :lol:
She turned me into a newt.
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