Full Version: Antidisestablishmentarianism - Now that is a fucking word
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Pay no attention to the dwarf sucking my cock.
the tattoo on ken's ass.....
Rusty Trombone Lessons : Free
What Ken's sandwich board says, or, what his sister provides for free to new customers
maynards new advertising campaign
poke my barrel and you'll win every time
Spit discussing anal sex.
I'll try it once, twice if you don't scream when I use the strap on
Grumps Mom taking his temperature, rectally
Grump's fondest memories
u r sofa king we todd it {:p}
Quote:Grump's fondest memories
Playing Hide and Seek with Maurey Povitch.

(ahhhhhhhh, I crack myself up)

Edited By Ken'sPen on April 18 2002 at 3:50
Quote:u r sofa king we todd it

Better watch out or the insects will get you

Edited By LunaBabe on April 18 2002 at 3:50
It was THIS BIG!
Sluggo with a Chubby
Too big
words Ladi has never spoken
Quote:It was THIS BIG!

Ants in my pants....and it was bigger than an EL-E-PHANT!
<--> the real size of sluggo
(did LZ hack Luna's account?)
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