Full Version: Antidisestablishmentarianism - Now that is a fucking word
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Quote:Ladi's turned a few. gay :roflmao:
Arpi & Maymay :lol:
In Spit's underware drawer
The Ambiguously Gay Duo
Batman & Robin
Bruce and Dick
prime spank material.
scrubbing the carrot
flipping the bishop
choking the chicken
outlawed in LB's Animal Kingdom
pig roasts
Ladi on the dais at the Friar's Club

Edited By Ken'sPen on April 18 2002 at 11:56

This is actually the longest word in the english language.


What does it mean? It's a lung disease caused by breathing ultramicroscopic particles of volcanic silica.

more useless info:
longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard with left hand: "desegregated" (12), "desegregates" (12), "reverberated" (12), "reverberates" (12), "stewardesses" (12), "watercresses" (12)

longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard with right hand: "homophony" (9), "homophyly" (9), "nonillion" (9), "pollinium" (9), "polyonomy" (9), "polyphony" (9)

longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard with alternating hands: "dismantlement" (13)

longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard on the top row ("qwertyuiop"): "rupturewort" (11)

longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard on the middle row ("asdfghjkl"): "alfalfas" (11), "hadassah" (11)

Edited By Spitfire on April 18 2002 at 12:10
No, you probably dont care, however I'm trying to hijack this thread back on topic. {Big Grin}
for the pre-text version of your sig? Yes.
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