Full Version: Antidisestablishmentarianism - Now that is a fucking word
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I think Ken's freaking out. :lol:
Who had Thursday at 1:45 in the Ken pool?
1:52. Eating my lunch now.
1:56 pm...are you eating Crunch & Munch for lunch? Do you think we care a whole bunch?
2:00 - all this talk of lunch is making me need to go crunch
2:03 - Have you ever watched the "Brady Bunch" while eating lunch?

Edited By LunaBabe on April 18 2002 at 2:08
2:05 - I never watched that show a bunch, there were other shows I like too much
Gay dad, horney daughters
Can I eat them with a fox? Can I eat them in a box?
fire island?
Can I throw them in a moat...
...Just to watch them float?
Quote:watch them float

Used Lunapads
luna's sig makes me sad :confused::disappointed:
her smell makes my eyes water
Quote:luna's sig makes me sad it isn't so.... :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:
it's so :confused:
ken is gay
will killing ken make the meanie smile again?
Ken is Grumpy's gay lover
in luna's erotic dreams of a 3some
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