Full Version: Antidisestablishmentarianism - Now that is a fucking word
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arpi's mom naked
Arpi's sister
works in the M&M factory & throws out the W's
retarded and yet still not bangable
a square bongo
arpi's mom's nickname in the village
Old Ironsides
Mrs. Grumpy
"you look wonderful tonight"

(I thought spouses aren't allowed)
so did I but maymay's an asshole.
Who said anything about his spouse?
oh yeah......... Mrs Grumpy Senior......... beard & all

sorry my bad play through
Quote:play through

The sign on maymay's ass
Hey Ladi, would you do me a solid and suck this log from my sphincter? I heard you can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. It's getting me all clogged up. :poopain:

i just had a veggie burger. it was tasty
Quote:suck this log from my sphincter?
"I'm a Lumberjack & I'm ok, I dress in women's clothing and hang around in bars!"
Quote:veggie burger

arpi's vegan lover
Little Bunny FuFu
tired old routine
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