Full Version: Mod Vote 2003
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Jack, remember when I stuck up for you when everyone was beating down on you?

I'm sure you remember

What better way to thank me than to cast your vote for me
See like I said

Quote:the rest have not been interesting enough
Your opinion of interesting doesn't interest me
Interesting points... I will have to weigh this decision very deeply.
Danked is going to win anyway, why not throw me a bone?
I voted for Goatweed.
And to think I stuck up for you :-(
I got you on the mod vote :-(
Quote:Danked is going to win anyway, why not throw me a bone?
i wrote that campaign slogan! :bouncer:
No you didn't, Gonzo put me on there long before that incident
Quote:Your welcome I find no other reason to vote for anyone other then you the rest have not been interesting enough. Too much shouting and false promises

there will be no shouting or false promises from me - I'll leave that for the others. How the members see me will determine the number of votes I end up with.

now that I think about it, maybe I should start offering up stuff?
If you were honorable you wouldn't let Baker's vote count
since i endorsed Gomez he has picked up 3 more votes! :thumbs-up:
i campaigned hard to get hybrid, sleeper, and galt on the ballot, alas my suggesstion fell on deaf ears.

however there are still many worthy nominees on the ballot.
and yes Arpi did come up with that slogan
Do I detect the fear of losing?

Edited By Baker on 1043815724
I shoulda voted Gomez... Goatweed isn't ruthless enough to be my partner in crime... :-(
Quote:I voted for Goatweed

thanks jack :thumbs-up:
Jack, you have the power to change your vote

Do what your heart is telling you to do, I could be your man in the shadows
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