Full Version: Mod Vote 2003
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If we were mods this nonsense would not be tolerated
it will never happen until the votes are free of ballot stuffing
And the two unconvinced of this vote's legitimacy just happen to be a person who is losing and another that will probably never have another opportunity to become mod again.
That doesn't make a lick of sense
The next vote will be a write in vote then. All votes will be written into a thread and Arpi will tally them himself. I will also tally them and if Arpi's count is off, his account gets deleted and his IP banned. Problem solved.. no?

Now take that ugly version of my masterpiece out of your sig
i agree to this 100%. as long as we agree that the only posts allowed in the thread are posts with votes :thumbs-up:
I'm willing to do it right now. Declare these votes nulled and start over.
agreed. it must also be stipulated that any vote must be cast by a member with at least 100 posts. that ought to stop the mod buggery and fake accounts
Agreed - if it'll silence the naysayers, I'm all for it.
i have no other stipulations
Check with the other people on the nominee list and see if they go for it. Get everyone's approval.
I still want Jack to remove the sig

It looks horrible
while I find Arpi's protest rather amusing, if you guys really do this ballot over again just cause of him, you are seriously a bunch of fags.
I'm honestly just joking around, sure it'd be nice to win but I'm not going to go around bitching about it, I'm just complaining now for fun.
arpikarhu (4:00:41 PM): dont fuck this up!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
we all know i am not talking to the suicide boy so we all know that the AIM is fake.
how would you know about any AIM quote if you don't acknowledge my posts?
Quote:we all know i am not talking to the suicide boy so we all know that the AIM is fake.

suuuuuuuuuuure it is ;-)

Edited By goatweed on 1043961197
I sent him the message Sleeper

My campaign to bring the two of you together is still underway

Even if you didn't vote for me
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