Full Version: Mod Vote 2003
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Quote:you don't have to pay attention... just abuse your powers

What good is having that power if you can't abuse it?
Stop it Maynard.
isn't one of him MORE than enough?
HEY! :angry:
all good choices :thumbs-up: good luck kids :banana:
Quote:suzie? come on man!!
Almost as hurtful as Slash predicting me to OD on heroin.
i voted for Jays because he's funny, great at photoshop and puts pinholes in condoms. what other mod doesn't care about you like that? would other mods put the pinholes in the condoms for you? Hell no. they would expect you to do that. so vote Jeff Johnson, i mean Jays for Mod '03.

Also, I tapped the phone of one of the nominee's talking to someone on the Mod committee by the name of the Chairman Dogde. Obviously they are using code names. Taped conversation

Can you guess who it was?
Quote:Almost as hurtful as Slash predicting me to OD on heroin.

Heroin or sperm.
Go Ladi! :thumbs-up:

This is anybody's game, folks.
this is a close race...i can't wait to see the outcome of this one!
Those votes are fucking close.. This is going to be tough.
Quote:What good is having that power if you can't abuse it?

didn't you see Spiderman jack?

"With great power comes great responsibility"
Jack would look pretty silly in that costume.
I'm responsible... I just like to play sometimes...

Didn't he play when he was running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop? Was he not abusing his power by selling pictures of himself? Spiderman is a Nazi. Say it with me. Spiderman is a Nazi.
Jack is a nazi.

Wait, lemme try it again....

Jack is a nazi.

Shit... I try to say, but that's all that comes out.
I heard with "great powers will be no DVD"
that was a reach
gomez should be paying attention to the sudden lladi surge. can you say rigged?
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