Full Version: Mod Vote 2003
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what's in it for me?
Your almost winning. Duh.
looks like about a 24% voter turnout so far, better than normal US elections.

Edited By Keyser Soze on 1043942145
Wow. This is just too funny. :lol:
are there any other posters left to vote? i mean besides moron...
Just me. :lookatme:
I think that's pretty much it for our active posters. Besides Luna and Moron, I think it's up to the lurkers now. Don't think Gonzo voted yet either.

Edited By Danked on 1043944324
i cant believe this farce is still ongoing. Rolleyes

Quote:Don't think Gonzo voted yet either.
he and jack have voted like 10 times already.
Someone tell me the next time we have 59 active members on
I am stupefied :-o
i think this is all the proof i need.
Goat pulls ahead after making peace with Jack

What a coincidence Rolleyes
yea i never knew we even had that many members. i think there's some shenanigans.
Jack could have at least done a better job concealing it
We have over 230 members.. Not all of them log on at once Assholes. Some log in only at night, some during the day.
its amazing how a vote for who works with jack and gonzo gets the best turnout. hhmmmmmmmmm
Sure Jack, "members" "aliases for you" it's all the same thing
230 members now go look how many have 0 posts
It matters not, the true members voted for the right candidate

I thank you for your support, and this is not the end, we will not let Jack's actions go unpunished
Quote:Sure Jack, "members" "aliases for you" it's all the same thing
i know that this happens because sean had me do it once. this election was a sham!
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