Full Version: Mod Vote 2003
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Quote:threaten me again & i burn the Minor Threat shirt
you're not gonna give it to me anyway jerkface
that would be a cool gift though
Quote:you're not gonna give it to me anyway jerkface

it doesn't matter now anyway... some nazi locked the ICI :-(
What? how disrespectful. If I weren't lazy I would protest and such.
i agree... it was very disrespectful :disappointed:
it was all Jack, he clearly rigg...i mean he abused his power, yea that's it! bastard!!
D'oh! :-(
...i think Danked should use his influence to have the ICI thread re-opened :thumbs-up:
My 15 point influence? :-(
...whatever influence you used to get me tossed into the Hole to begin with... ;-)
...ok candidates... less than 5 hours to go.... who wants my vote :lookatme:
Yeah...who wants mine?

Hey FN I see you made it out! :fuggin:

<--- still hasn't voted yet.
Did you vote yet? :clueless:
<--- still hasn't voted yet. :fuggin:
<--- still hasn't voted either. :fuggin:
Quote:<--- still hasn't voted either. :fuggin:
...throw her in the Hole!!!! :rofl:
oh dear....

Edited By LunaBabe on 1043972127
I would never do that do you, Luna....

I may execute Hobbes however. :poke:
Did you vote yet? :clueless:
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