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If you don't vote for me, I promise to lock you up.

I will find out who voted for who and lock up those who did not vote for me.
If Bill and Ted is not to your liking I will send you a dvd of equal or lesser value
Quote:when did this happen??? spilled your bottle at the bar at the bowling alley... Undecided Confusedniff: Damn, I thought we bonded and shit... :toast:
I am the personification of weed. I am your fucking Jesus.

Vote for me already!

Think about it... why do potheads need all this weed? By definition, they always have access to it... but what about the middle and lower classes... the ones who want to experiment... the closet smokers, the girls who turn bisexual after smoking, the corporate office guy who smokes to ease the stress... WHERE IS THE WEED FOR THEM!!! VOTE FOR ME, AND YOU WILL GET THAT WEED!!1
Quote:I will seriously send everyone who voted for me a Bill and Ted dvd if I win
i voted for you!! I DID!!!!
GOMEZ FOR MOD 2003!!!!
Jesus, dude. That's right, you heard me. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus.
Quote:Vote for me and you can all sleep with my slutty friend....and then I'll pay for your shots!
...hmmm.. how do you know i haven't already slept with your slutty friend... :lol:

Quote:I have several more larger bags of pot just laying around...looking for a good home to go to...
Undecided but you don't even know where to send it Undecided

Quote:If you don't vote for me, I promise to lock you up.

I will find out who voted for who and lock up those who did not vote for me.
you had me...................then you lost me Rolleyes spilled your bottle at the bar at the bowling alley... Undecided Confusedniff: Damn, I thought we bonded and shit... :toast:
...oh... that was you? ....sorry :lol:
despite gomez's upsetting urge to kill jib jib, i voted for him
.... if you vote for me, I will be a good moderator... Thank you....
My desire to kill Jib Jib is disturbing?

Then I put an end to it here and now, from this day forth no harm shall come to Jib Jib

Think about it... why do potheads need all this weed? By definition, they always have access to it... but what about the middle and lower classes... the ones who want to experiment... the closet smokers, the girls who turn bisexual after smoking, the corporate office guy who smokes to ease the stress... WHERE IS THE WEED FOR THEM!!! VOTE FOR ME, AND YOU WILL GET THAT WEED!!1

wait... are you saying you're gonna take weed from bisexual girls & give it to me??? :clueless:
HedCold and i voted for the sam eperson cause we are bestest buddies in the whole wide world.
HI BUDDY!!! :lookatme:
Quote:...hmmm.. how do you know i haven't already slept with your slutty friend...
Send me the medical bills, I'll pay for your STD medication.
My campaign is all about bringing people together.
.... no, I'm saying I will make sure everyone has weed.... and make sure that we have bisexual female stoners ....
Quote:.... if you vote for me, I will be a good moderator... Thank you....'re losing me now... :disappointed:

Quote:Send me the medical bills, I'll pay for your STD medication.
:-o ...ok, maybe i haven't fucked her yet... :fuggin:
Fn, tell me what would make this world a better place for you

I'm all about helping the people
I still need to vote.. win me over damnit.
... Jack, vote for me and I'll fly you down to NY....
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