Full Version: Mod Vote 2003
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I was gonna let you have it for as long as you wanted.
it's up to you :thumbs-up:
If not for me you'd have had post# 420, I think its a sign.
i throw hybrid my write in vote for mod
yeah keyser we know that you nominated hybrid, you come up with one opinion and your farts stink up the place.
He gave his vote to Hybrid

So Hybrid has another vote

Let him vote again
keyser is a good man :thumbs-up:
I nominated you for the last vote dammit, you made a joke of it.
i honestly have no idea what you're talking about
The vote tricia won, I asked you in chat and you started mocking it and asking me "what do mods do anyway" saying it was no big deal.
that was after nominees were posted. doesnt matter now anyway.

I told Hybrid to stop bitching on page three.

I'm not even gonna' read all twenty pages after that but, I'm guessing, he didn't listen.
It was before.
You should read them, he didn't bitch, it's mostly campaigning
like it was predicted, everyone thinks danked is winning and that ladi has no votes, so they are throwing them all her way now.
i dont feel like arguing about it. its really not important.

also, alkey who won that funniest poster contest? i forgot...
I'm not funny anymore.

I accept it.

I've decided to just go with the flow.
The weeds clouded your memory man!!!!!
i dont smoke weed its bad for you
have the ballots from Dade County come in yet?
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