Full Version: Mod Vote 2003
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Goat, he'd just code his way out

and you're not going to win, just look at the numbers, join me and we shall rule
Quote:let us join forces and take over

watch it goatweed. next thing you know, he will be telling you that he is your father.

"Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy. "
Just think, we can stop bad jokes like this from ever being posted, it will be perfect
Quote:You can pry mine from my cold dead hands

I'd prefer it that way :thumbs-up:

Quote:and you're not going to win, just look at the numbers

if that's the case, so be it - it's in fate's hands now, and nothing you can say will change my mind. Your backstabbing ways hurt any chance you had with me.

Quote:Goat, he'd just code his way out

he could try ;-)
When did I backstab you?

Jack is the evil one here, I am simply proposing a way for both of us to get what we want
Try? TRY? pft.. I can code a hole around you and make you fall into the far reaches of the internet. You will never be heard from again.
<-----still hasn't voted :fuggin:
hey Moron, how goes it? :fuggin:

Quote:When did I backstab you?

you haven't as of yet, but I see a great potential for it too happen.
I don't backstab my partners

Besides, why would I? It doesn't make sense for me to backstab you

Jack on the other hand is a different story
it's going ok Goaty.... thanks for asking.... :thumbs-up:
Everytime Gonzo says "it's gonna blow" I want to vote for Eminem. :clueless:
this sucks
Why hybrid?
Quote:Hybrid and some others came up in our selections but we needed people who hadn't been on the vote before
Quote:Poll choices Votes Statistics

why does he get another chance to move up and i dont :angry:
He was second in the last mod vote.. it was only fair. You weren't second.

Edited By Hybrid on 1043879170
You were second on the one before that. Thats how you got on the last mod vote.
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