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A mixed CD with Disturbed, Godsmack, Stones, Puddle of Mudd and the Doors. That's a nice variety for ya huh? lol
MeatLoaf, Bat out of hell.
A Perfect Circle - Diary of a Madman
URGH, I am forced to listen to a fucking baby monitor and in the room the kid is in there has to be a white noise machine. Does my aunt know her kids are old enough to not need a fucking baby monitor?
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:URGH, I am forced to listen to a fucking baby monitor and in the room the kid is in there has to be a white noise machine. Does my aunt know her kids are old enough to not need a fucking baby monitor?
Is that the sound of GS's porn????
some stupid ass movie just ended, id change the channel but im too lazy, TC in a half hour will be in the background
Anthrax - I Am The Law
Kyuss (big surprise!) - Whitewater
Prince - Sexy MotherFucker

Cause thats what I am.....oh yeah.
a girl screaming getting raped in the movie i'm wtching
Chimaria: Pass Out Of Existence
Weezer - Buddy Holly
Sublime - Sublime

It's my usual choice of music the morning of a meet
Neil Diamond- turn on your heartlight
Arpi, I don't believe you.

Early Beatles.
Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill
The Nerve Agents, cover of Sufferegete City.
Wormface Wrote:The Nerve Agents, cover of Sufferegete City.
Anyone ever hear L.A. Guns version of sufferegete City from their 'Cuts' (I believe is the name) EP? Didn't think so, lol
Slayer-Ghosts of War followed by Lard-Power of Lard
The Offspring: Ixnay on the Hombre
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