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stones, gimmie shelter
Bob Dylan, Love and Theft
MAIDEN!!! - Fear of the Dark Confusedatan: :no, really, fuck off:
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Quote:i'm actually enjoying the new nas...:Confusedhrug::

butttttt right now i'm listening to RonFez Smile
You want a real rap album, pick up Wu-Tangs new album.
i'm planning on it
pearl jam- 10
Paper Lace- The Night Chicago Died
Tom Leykis
A test of the emergency broadcast shit ever.
Austin Wrote:A test of the emergency broadcast shit ever.
better than Leykis. SBLUEMAN replay until Simpsons
Pat Sumerall and John Madden
Live - V - specifically Forever May Not Be Long Enough....over and over....
Sealab 2021
Concrete Blonde.
Killswitch Engage (Best band name EVER) - Temple from the Within
Well earlier tonight, we were sitting around at a friends house, and he made us listen to his copy of Ace of Base, - The Sign.

Then we had to listen to Ministry on the way home to get the gayness out.
I didn't know you were hanging at Ikea's house tonight, who caught for who?

I am still listening to NATM soundtrack. Oh, and ace of base as well, it is so fuckin cool, man! :no, really, fuck off:
Janis Joplin, Another Little Piece of my Heart
Nitzer Ebb - Ebbhead
jerry reed- east bound and down