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Him - Death is in love with us
Sean Cold Wrote:
Quote:I was listening to that last night.

Rheir follow-up, Let Your Dim Light Shine, is even better.<font color=#EEEEEE>
yeah it is, I just got into a mood for Grave though. I do think I am the ony person on the planet who actually enjoyed Candy from Strangers, though.
Nope, I liked that too. Just not as much as the two previous ones. They lost their record contract and are looking for another right now. I have a song that will be on their new release when it ever comes out. I actually posted it in Magus's other board Melancholia thread. It's called 'Never Felt Before.' If ya had AIM, I would send it to ya Smile

I also hear that Pirner has a solo cd coming out. They are one of the best bands I ever saw live.
Quote:I also hear that Pirner has a solo cd coming out. They are one of the best bands I ever saw live

Yeah they were a great band live. I saw them on the dim light tour, and I was pleasently suprised about them.

Now, I wish you did have AIM you bastard!
^^^ Forgive my Vortex ^^^

Yea, that's the tour i saw them on. Sept 3rd, 1995, if my Iron Clad doesn't fail me. Yea, I was a few rows back.

I also went to see them (on the Candy .. tour) open for ::gasp:: Matchbox 20, damn that was a waste of money. I was front row and they played for only 30 minutes. Then that fat sweaty bastard from Matchbox 20 came out... ughhh... where was spit/Moron/Sluggo when I needed to start smoking weed? I don't think Icoulda 'just said no.' For that matter, where was Fingerbang? Even a bang party would have sounded better than that!<font color=white>

Edited By SLASH on Jan. 24 2002 at 9:54
Outkast - ATLiens


:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Misfits cover of Ramones song "KKK took my Baby away."
Seph, I am sure ya know, but if ya dont a new Bad religion CD came out this week. Did ya know? Did ya get it? If so, how 'bout a review?
SLASH Wrote:Seph, I am sure ya know, but if ya dont a new Bad religion CD came out this week. Did ya know? Did ya get it? If so, how 'bout a review?
I "got it" about 2 months ago.

And yes, it's excellent. Their best work yet.
Tool - Pushit
NIN - Closer
sodomy - meet the feebles soundtrack
Nickleback - How You Remind Me
Radiohead - OK Computer
Radiohead - The Bends
Radiohead - Pretentious little faggits with very bad teeth
I'm cool cuz I "get" Radiohead :puke: :puke: :puke:
And you're major problem with Radiohead is?
Right now I'm listening to the sounds of an 8 oot by 3 foot Air Conditioner positioned less than 5 feet to my left, making every attempt to keep this converted Server room I work in cool.

God I need something else to listen to...
Quote:making every attempt to keep this converted Server room I work in cool.
Heh, my desk is in the server room too. I like it this way though, because we keep it cold in here.
They are a 1 hit wonder (Creep) that transformed into the 'cool' band after a few celebrities mentioned that they liked them. The Bends as far as I understand was pretty good, but they pushed the coolness factor with OK Computer. Ever since they have taken a nosedive. The 'sheep' won't admit that they suck, so they are riding it out til their deimise.

They are a One Hit Wonder band turned cool and now are nothing more than a cult band with a huge following. Kinda reminds me of Jesus and the catholic church, but that's another topic for another forum, LOL

Edited By SLASH on Jan. 25 2002 at 12:17