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finch-letters to you
Floundering Soundtrack -

Stan Ridgway - My Drug Buddy

Drunken Boat - Shuffle
Alice in Chains - Jar of Flies :crackhead: :thumbs-up: Confusedpits: :loveya:
Roni Size - New Forms
Minutemen-Glory of Man
:bouncer: weezer- the blue album :bouncer:
Sade - Stronger than Pride
Primus - Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Loreena McKennitt - The Visit
Faith No More - Album of the Year :crackhead:
the bouncing souls- the good the bad and the argyle
Alanis Morisette - Under Rug Swept
Eric Clapton - "Don't Think Twice"
40 Below Summer..Sideshow Freaks
Bill Hicks - Dangerous :dead:
Danzig - going down to die
Don Henley - "I Will Not Go Quietly"
LunaBabe Wrote:Don Henley - "I Will Not Go Quietly"
Nice, Axl on harmony vocals. Wait a second, I hate that motherfucker :angry:
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